Motivations for Watchtower leadership

by GetMeOutofHere 33 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Finkelstein

    1) Money. This really only applies to ‘special full-time’ servants. They appear to live a comfortable lifestyle without the stress and anxiety that people on the outside have. They have nice bethel rooms; a maid; meals provided for etc. The higher up you go then you also get trips paid for and many gifts I’m sure.

    Even if you were to just half believe in the doctrines set in the organization, the people at the top have a notably and powerful privileged position . They essentially live off the incoming money that the organization draws. A matter of fact there are lot of people who live off the finances of the WTS.

    Going right back to J Rutherford it was obvious to him that even though his made up doctrines and unique Gospel (1914) were probably false and inaccurate, being the top executive writer/editor of the WTS/JWS, he was aware of the power, money and prominence that he would not have otherwise.

    So too the top people of the organization (GB) have power and privilege, that they dont work hard laborious jobs but write up doctrines which keep the organization ongoing and continuous for themselves and the people who are under them.

  • EverApostate

    Its the power, money and a Secured life that motivates the GB.

    I sincerely beleive that not all GB are truly convinced that they are preaching the truth. They cant be honest to themselves and speak out their disbeleifs, after having tasted all those power, money and glory

  • LV101

    Exactly - re/their "power, money and glory." They're on an all time, aphrodisiac, high, and one can't come down. Kind a like corrupt politicians will do anything to protect their power and easy gold mine off of taxpayers. They didn't become multi-millionaires being legit.

  • blondie

    I would for those who have not read Ray Franz' books in their entirety, that he did not choose to leave the WTS. First, he was a true believer when was asked to leave NYC Bethel. He and his wife, Cynthia, re-established in a congregation near Gadsen, AL through the assist from an elder he was close friends with, housing and a job. Ray left at 60 and had to work to put in the 40 credits required by the US government to apply for Social Security and Medicare.

    You qualify for Social Security by compiling credits when you pay Social Security tax on your earnings. You can earn up to four credits per year. Workers qualify for Social Security retirement benefits when they reach 40 lifetime credits. ... You become eligible to collect Social Security retirement benefits at age 62. Ray would have been eligible for Medicare at 65.

    Ray and Cynthia had neither been reproved privately or disfellowshipped but had a good standing in that congregation. Some jws after learning the details about the incidents at Bethel at that time, (that's a another story that can't be told briefly here), and decided that the WTS did not have the truth. The elder that had helped Ray and Cynthia, disassociated himself. At that time, it was not a disfellowshipping offense to associate with jws who did that. But it gave the WTS a way to make Ray radioactive to other jws. Ray and Cynthia still associated with that brother and his wife (who had not disassociated and was not disfellowshipped). The WTS made a ruling retroactively making association with a disassociated jw was grounds for disfellowshipping. Thus Ray was disfellowshipped. But not Cynthia, Ray's wife (in fact she never was down to the day she died.)

    Ray never formed or thought of forming a religious group about himself. But he did study the Bible with a small group of ex-jws, jws in good standing (some elders), and jws who left to join other religions. Those that attended varied, some came every time, some occasionally; it was a rotating group, none considered "members." He did not present his personal choices as those to be followed by others. They merely read from various translations of the Bible, one chapter at a time by each person in the group. Everyone had a chance to express what they learned from that scripture, not presenting it as the only possible viewpoint. No arguments or presentation of any religious doctrines. Ray was a "hang-them-by-their own words" kind of guy. In his books,he would present the facts he knew and the supporting information about WTS history and policies and how he saw that they contradicted the Bible, especially the Gospels contain Jesus' words as recorded by others.

    Now I am sure not all agree with Ray's personal choices, but his books give jws and ex-jws a closer look at the inner workings of the WTS. He told me once that he read other non-jw books about religious history by other people who come to the conclusion that the religion they had associated with for many years and had a responsible position could no longer be an organization that could be part of, that worshipping God in an organized/organizational manner corrupted Jesus' intent for his followers. Ray saw the wisdom in that.

    The book, A Question of Conscience, by Charles Davis.

    While this tends to be quite a scholarly book, the basic idea is that when a religious group gets large and starts "organizing" they lose the basic teachings of Christ.

    Now I understand that many ex-jws no longer self-identify as Christians, but I am discussing how Ray and Cynthia felt, and how Charles Davis felt. Was that an individual could read the Bible and be able to come to conclusions how to live their lives.

    So, do I believe that many if not all on the GB are true believers, based on what I learned directly from Ray and other GB members I have met and talked with over the past 50 years.

    They have too much of their lives, time, and energy invested in this. They may feel cognitive dissonance, but like many other jws push that aside and are also reconditioned at the meetings, conventions, and other occasions.

    Perhaps some of you have elderly jw parents that are still true believers despite what you have shared with them or they might have seen and pushed aside.

    As some on here have said over and over, it is a cult.


  • peacefulpete

    My motivation was simple, It was who I was and what was expected. Sure, everyone appreciates being respected and admired, differentiating that natural desire from being hungry for power might be hard to prove to anyone else. But really I wasn't "ambitious" but I was determined to be "all I could be" in the religion. I'm also aware of some who loved being big fish in very little ponds. .

  • Finkelstein

    The WTS/JWorg has always been a bastion of ignorance and corruption wrapped in a presentation of religious and righteous virtue.

    If C T Russell left the WTS broke and in dept there would be no JWS today . .......Fact

    His doctrines turned out to be false and admittedly he knew that, that's why he stated in his Will that no other pieces of literature should be published after he dies.

    .......But wait he left a good chunk of money with the WTS and the lawyer ( J Rutherford ) who he used in his business transactions knew that.

  • Half banana
    Half banana

    Many male JWs have started off idealistically as "publishers" and later have been appointed as elders. This elevation in the ranks brings some prestige in the KH but also aquaints him with the nasty end of the JW stick. Lots of time spent attempting to correct wayward members, often with acrimony and power play at work. Imagine how this loss of idealism must be when amplified up the ranks to the level of the governing body.

    Administrators of large organisations cannot help but be political and JW org is no different. This involves making hard decisions often going against the grain such as being outwardly Christian but actually being just a business when all said and done, advertising its honesty but deceiving the followers. For example knowing that there is no such thing as Armageddon. For those in the driving seat, governing the org is a game, pulling the wool over they eyes of their flock, keeping them in the dark and since we are talking religion, putting the fear of God in them to keep them loyal. Loyalty is vital since businesses can only thrive on an increasing financial/numerical base.

    So how does this leave the members at the top? I think it quite possible for some of them to not believe or to have significant doubts and still steer the ship. Leaders in history are notoriously foul mouthed, adulterous often psychopathic narcissists. From what we have learned the bad temper and narcissism seems present, acting recklessly with peoples lives on account of denying blood transfusions, duplicity, lying, and being economical with truth, are all too apparent.

    I think therefore that although the appearance of solidarity in the GB looks real, there will be serious rifts and factions simmering away and yet loyalty to the 'club' will come before personal conscientious considerations. It is completely possible to play the Watchtower game at the top, go through the Watchtower motions and not believe. They only have two paths they could take, status and security within the organisation or humiliation and poverty outside.

  • jwleaks

    Many of us are familiar with the following acronyms when describing current or former JWs:

    PIMI = physically in, mentally in

    PIMO = physically in, mentally out

    POMI = physically out, mentally in

    POMO = physically out, mentally out

    The GB and other leaders of Watchtower are different. They could best be described as...

    PONR = point of no return

  • Finkelstein

    The expressed doctrines made by the WTS. are what built the organization , that makes the top executive leaders responsible to sustain those set doctrines.

    Flying around the world and getting treated like an adorn celebrity, while never having to worry about bills, health and dental costs.

    Nice might like that myself 🌝

  • Finkelstein

    In every sense of an operative analysis the WTS is religoius publishing house with a organized religion wrapped around it .

    Sure it might be corrupt and pretentious and theological apostate but there are a lot of people who live off the organization as a life blood .

    So from that realization one should expect quirky doctrines that come out that have questionable integrity, perhaps not too supersizing given what were the established doctrines to how this organization got started.

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