Jehovah’s Witnesses—the Most Boring People On Earth!

by minimus 33 Replies latest jw friends

  • Phizzy

    They really are the Most Boring People on Earth.

    I have J.W family, and whenever I speak to them, I am struck that THEY have nothing to talk about ! I fill in the silences with lots of stuff about what me and my non-JW family have been doing, but them ? they know I don't want to hear about their latest Convention by Zoom or whatever, so, what have they got ? NOTHING !

    What a waste of a life is one spent in the J.W. Org !

    Something has just occurred to me about the BORING Meetings and Conventions. A question, can any J.W remember the "wonderful Spiritual food" that was imparted at a Convention 20 years ago ? ten ? five ? NO !

    We had an elderly Sister who took copious notes at the Convention, when the Elders had the bit on the Meeting about bringing out the highlights from the Convention, they used to crib from her notes ! Because they could not remember what was presented at the Convention just a few weeks before !

    The Convention talks are supposed to be way above the ones given in a Congregation, but were INSTANTLY forgettable !!

    Meetings and Conventions that are instantly forgettable ?

    You cannot get more boring than that.

  • minimus

    Simply put they are an uninteresting group. But they do have the Watchtower and Awake magazines so that any Witness could know all there is to know about everything that is truly important.

  • forzaitalia

    I think most people are nervous in front of camera's.

  • Anna Marina
    Anna Marina

    Stop the press - here's something interesting... the door to the ark is closed. Cause they are not going outside, except for cycle rides, shopping, DIY, walking the dog and cake deliveries... oh and posting lots of letters 2nd class to strangers. But no trolley work, nor door-to-door. So that's it - the world has ended - a bit.

    Isn't that exciting!

    Nearly as much fun as gang-writing to Mr Putin.

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