8/8/03 Another Foolish, Waste of Paper Awake!

by metatron 26 Replies latest jw friends

  • nobody told me
    nobody told me

    Has the latest Awake on Weather made any predictions? Or are we going to have to wait for new light?

  • freein89

    Ha Ha HA Chicken Little heads up the writing department

  • Reborn2002

    Kudos to those who see right through the WT formula of scare tactics and horror stories to stir the loyal JW members into a frenzy to believe the end is "right around the corner, imminent, and any day now" and to peddle those magazines.

  • Country Girl
    Country Girl

    I hope this isn't a dumb question. Wait.. someone said there isn't a dumb question, but this one sounds kinda dumb. I'm just wondering if decaying bodies don't emit a lot of gasses that might destroy the ozone layer? Any scientific postulation on billions of decaying bodies? What about all the deforestation that occurs when the Awake! and Watchtower take up all that wood pulp? Aren't they blatantly stupid for printing an article such as this on paper? Good gawd...


  • Country Girl
    Country Girl

    Another question: I know I am just full of them today! On an average print run of ONE of the magazines, how many acres of forest, or how many trees fall? Just curious.

    Country Girl

  • xjw_b12

    On an average print run of ONE of the magazines, how many acres of forest, or how many trees fall? Just curious.

    Country Girl

    I asked that question months ago on an environment type thread, but no one seemed to answer.

    The other question I asked was: Does the society used recycled paper in their publications and if so to what extent?

  • Emma
    I'm just wondering if decaying bodies don't emit a lot of gasses that might destroy the ozone

    Haven't you heard? They'll have anti-matter guns!

  • laylaluv

    I think they should recycle the Watchtower and Awake magazines for toilet paper. I sorta did, I found a box of old WT & Awake magazines in the basement. I started to throw them away and realized it was a waste of good paper to print them so I should recycle them. I used them to train my pups. They crapped all over them. lol
  • Emma

    I actually had a vet suggest shredding them for the litter box for my kitten!

  • Gamaliel

    Awake! should change its name to "Scared Yet?"

    I went to an assembly with my parents in 1994 to a first edition of the

    JW Proclaimers book, and the talk was about how viruses, bacteria and

    bugs were evolving into versions that could never be stopped with

    anti-biotics, etc. Then when that was finished the speaker went on

    to a bunch of other things to prove that Jehovah must intervene before

    we all die of plague, pestilence, or other more overt acts of God.

    I thought it was interesting that they didn't even take the word

    "evolving" out of the quotations.


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