8/8/03 Another Foolish, Waste of Paper Awake!

by metatron 26 Replies latest jw friends

  • metatron

    "What's Happening to the Weather?" Is Something Wrong?"

    "Can Environmental Damage Be Halted?" (8/8/03 Awake Headlines)

    Should we be afraid? Should we panic? Should we turn over our lives to the Watchtower to save us from this weather terror???????!!!!!!!!!

    This magazine is nonsense, doom-saying crap and bullsh*t. Here's a recent quote

    from 21st Century Science magazine:

    "The 20th century is neither the warmest nor the one with the most extreme weather

    of the past 1000 years, concluded researchers at the Harvard-Smithsonian

    Center for Astrophysics, after examining and compiling results from 240 scientific

    studies. The review also confirmed that the Medieval Warm Period of 800 to 1300

    A.D. had much higher temperatures in many parts of the world than that of the

    20th century, and that the Little Ice Age of 1300 to 1900A.D. was a worldwide

    phenomenon. Many climate indicators were reviewed, including borehole data,

    glacier advances or retreats, pollen, tree ring growth, fossils, seafloor sediments,

    and shifting tree lines." (pg.4, Summer 2003 - unlike the bums at the Watchtower

    I try to show where QUOTES COME FROM !)

    Satellite photos have shown the evidence of huge shifts in weather from lakes

    formed in Canada and Africa by asteroids hitting the earth - ages ago.

    Likewise, the dinosaur's end in similar climatic violence. Nothing our century

    has to offer even makes first base. We don't even compare to any of the Ice Ages.

    Of course, none of this affects the wild-eyed propagandists of the Awake magazine

    in their slavering quest for FEAR, FEAR, FEAR!

    Could it be Famine? Sickness? Bugs? the Ozone layer? ( oops, that last one will

    fix itself in a few decades!) PLEASE READ OUR MAGAZINES AND PANIC

    INTO A BIBLE STUDY WITH our fear mongering Witnesses!

    Spiritually, P.T. Barnum runs the Watchtower!


  • BeelzeDub

    LOL Spiritually, P.T. Barnum runs the Watchtower!

    And Chicken Little is heading up the writing department!

  • Maverick

    They should change the name of the Awake to "Would you believe?" Maverick

  • embalmed

    Heh, I love it especially when they feature deforestation. Yeah, this system is so horrible all the rainforests are going to be gone soon and we're helping it along! By publishing thousands of these funny little magazines that will almost certainly end up in the trash at one point or another.

  • Huxley

    Even when I was actively reading the Awake! magazine, I realized that the formula is as follows...

    1. Showcase scary current event or issue of concern..

    2. Dribble out a few factoids about said scary event or issue..

    3. Point to God's Kingdom (tm.) as the solution..

    Every damn issue, same formula...


  • ignored_one


    They have a program now for making articles on the fly. Just type in a few things and out pops an article. ;)

    Ignored One.

  • Confucious

    The problem is it's a bi-monthly magazine.

    You have to fill space somehow.

  • Pork Chop
    Pork Chop

    Dude if you believe this global warming garbage you're just as big a fool as they are.

  • No Apologies
    No Apologies


    You are absolutely right about the "formula" used. I noticed it too, including

    4. Neglect to point out that the "solution" involves God destroying 6 billion+ people!!!

  • r51785

    "The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary."

    -- H. L. Mencken

    I'm sure Mr. Mencken wouldn't object to my applying this quote to the WT Society.

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