Were you baptized too young?

by sandy 30 Replies latest jw friends

  • talesin

    northern girl, you have a pm

  • Satanus
    Two girls were baptized in the Chicago area this year that were only 6 and 8

    Why not just dunk em when they're babies?

    I got dunked at 13.


  • unique1

    I was 13 for a whole day before I got dunked. I will never forget the date because it was one day after my birthday.

  • Santiago

    I was baptized at age 13 after studying for a year. I remember being asked if I had confessed my sins and asked for forgiveness, I wasn’t sure what sins they were talking about.

  • laylaluv

    I was way to young, 13 yo. The only reason I did it, my father who was an elder at the time kept pressuring me to do so. My mother and I have had a discussion or two about my baptism age. I told her I wasn't even old enough at the time to make any adult decisions like drive, drink,....etc. So why in the world does the organization think you are old enough to be baptized? Why do they let young people make the "most important decision of their lives" if you are not old enough to make adult decisions in the first place?

    Then, the organization talks against babies being baptized in other religions. What's the difference?

  • l3gi0n

    When I was about 14, I was putting 60 hours a month in service, giving talks, and impromptu talks, donating… the whole nine yards. Anyways I told my mom I was going to get baptized. She asked me one question, “What are you giving up for Jehovah?” Well I said nothing. I didn’t have anything to give up. Well she got pissed, she said I could not get baptized if I were not going to give anything up for Jehovah… Well I never did get baptized.

    This brings up another issues I have noticed with myself, and quite a few witness kids. The fact they are completely inept, They cant do a damn thing for them self’s, even when in there 20’s But that is another topic,

  • Gamaliel

    As far as thinking for themselves goes, JWs are kept "too young" until age 90 or so, after which a litte bit of independent thinking is usually allowed.

    Your point about returning to your vomit was classic, though. It was used about me, too. I was baptized at 10, and the answer of course is, You mean return to the vomit of being raised in the Truth before I was baptized -- is that what they're calling it now?


  • SisterLiz

    Hi everyone, this is my first time posting a message on this site. I was baptized at the age of 16. Definitely too young. I had no idea what the hell I was doing. I just wanted to be like all the other kids my age. I felt as if being baptized was my ticket to praise and approval from everyone. These people condemn Catholics for baptizing infants...they're just as bad. Young kids do what they think is expected of them, and are as blind as infants in this case.

  • Gopher


    I just wanted to be like all the other kids my age. I felt as if being baptized was my ticket to praise and approval from everyone.

    You nailed it! Well said!

    I think the Society knows about this form of "peer pressure" and uses it to its own selfish advantage.

    I too was baptized at 16, and that was too young although older than most who were baptized in the congregation I was in.

  • onacruse

    SisterLiz, welcome a-board!

    I must admit, I didn't get baptized because of peer pressure, or for acceptance. I was really convinced that I was on the right way in life. Looking back, I can now see how incredibly precocious I was; I'd been going door-to-door since I was 6, gladly telling adults what they should and shouldn't believe. A regular little Marjoe Gortner, I was.


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