My family gave a great witness at my little sister's wedding...NOT!

by laylaluv 31 Replies latest jw friends

  • arancia

    You are such a reffined pearl. This is one of the things that J.W.s perform to impress others to make themselves strong because they infact are just the opposit,this kind of attitude is very well known.I made my own decision and nothing will make me change me mind. I have seen enough,soffer enough,so no regrets.bye.

  • cat1759


    That was amazing. Not only will your children take this experience with them but the extended family saw how badly your whole family treated you. I am sure they have a deeper love for the courage and love you showed in spite of how they were treating you.

    A turning point in your life. Your children will never be doormats. Truly a great witness of the abuse suffered by many.

    Welcome to the board. Thank you for posting.


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