Should I Convert to Become a MORMON??

by Latte 55 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • archangel01

    listen to Myxomatosis. He or she hit it on the dot. Go to Jesus to be saved! Much love a brother in Christ!!!!!!!!!!

  • Myxomatosis

    archangel: listen to Myxomatosis. He or she hit it on the dot. Go to Jesus to be saved! Much love a brother in Christ!!!!!!!!!!

    Myx: hey thank you! that's very kind, though, not many people I do think care very much for my point of view :( s'ok. Actually, that bit about solely having Jesus I didn't actually write, but I sure as hell agree with it! I just had to copy that when I read it on this other site cos it's so exactly what the JW's say!!

    btw, I'm a (f)oxy lady nice to meet you archangel!

    I'm presuming you WERE a JW at some point then? sorry, I have to ask, cos I wasn't so I'm not sure when others have been, anyways



    *fake royalty secondhand sequin facade*

  • CharlesTaze

    No, I believe that the [hi]story of "Star Wars" it is more truely than the story of the Mormons...

    I have read the "Book of Mormon", 'The Pearl' of something book & the 'Doctrines and' something else book... they are a bound of mistic and imagination stories.

    Sorry... But that is my opinion, I believe that I can became a "JEDI", but I don't believe that I can became a GOD with my own universe and with many wives, etc...

  • expatbrit

    Here is a site by one of the more prominent Mormon "apostates" which is well worth checking out:

    You'll find the similarities that loyal Mormons have with the JW's quite unnerving, particularly in the arguments they use about "apostates", information control and why they know that Mormonism is the true religion.


  • Latte

    Thank you all so much for your comments on this thread. I’m sorry that I’ve not posted too much - my migraine came back with a vengeance.

    The two Mormon guy’s failed to show up on Friday (I was ill anyhow) I have to say that I was kinda glad J I thought that I’d got of scott free, then my hubby informs me that they called on Saturday to see when they could call again (gasp!!) I was still poorly so they said they would call again - they just called this evening, and they arranged to call on me next week when I have more time.

    I don’t know whether or not I can take on these guy’s (if you know what I mean…lol) To make any headway, one has to have their facts right, and it seems that some time is required for me to do that.

    I guess I have strong apostate feelings….to reveal untruth.

    Thanks again for all the helpful comments,laughs and guys are the best!

  • ApagaLaLuz

    I too studied with Mormons after leaving the JWs. It made sense to me that there should be some sort of book AFTER the bible. It seemed to me that there was such a gap in time from when the bible was completed to now, that there must have been more divinely inspired prophets. I still read my Book Of Mormon from time to time, simply for research. But I found too many similarities between them and the Jehovah's Witnesses. The fact that they have flip flopped between teachings in the early years was unnerving to me. Their encouragement of isolation from the rest of the world. And eventually they too had many contradictions, and I eventually wrote them off as being a man made cult. Much like the Witnesses. I do not believe them to be divinely inspired.

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