If you could have dinner with any historical person...(top 3 choices)

by Ron1968 67 Replies latest jw friends

  • Ron1968

    If you could have dinner with any athlete, scientist, President, artist, or religious figure what would be your top 3 choices?


  • myself

    Jesus, cuz I have a lot of questions

    Abraham Lincoln

    Red Skelton

    What a mix huh? Better yet, to have dinner with all three at once.

  • Ron1968

    I would pick:

    1. Jesus

    2. Paul

    3. Mariah Carey

    I would have some questions for Mariah, but that isn't why I would ask her out.

  • Double Edge
    Double Edge

    Jesus (after the resurrection) ... I'd take a digital camera, take several pictures, including the palms then post them here (nerny nerny to all the unbelivers....)

    Abraham Lincoln - also take digital camera.... (sell pictures on e-bay)

    Mohammed Atta on Sept. 10th 2001.... I'd take a .45 hold him 'til the cops came and then pistol whip him if he made a move.

  • Ron1968

    I figure I should pick Jesus as he could fix my bad eyesight, and give me some good vibes on hooking up with a good job and hot chick also.


  • freedom96

    Off the top of my head, without thinking too much about it:

    1. Jesus

    2. Elvis

    3. Benjamin Franklin

  • DannyBear

    1. Adam & Eve--no fruit for dessert.......and they damn well better answer some really, really, hard questions over coffee.

    2. Cleopatra.....damn she must have been hot! Mark Anthony could join us for the Roman side of things.

    3. Wild Bill Hickock....and Annie Oakley......in full western gear.

  • Ravyn

    Constantine the Great(but only if I could assassinate him over dessert...)

    Thomas Paine

    Anais Ninn


  • primitivegenius

    of course #1 jesus so i could learn the truth about everything. #2 have to agree talking to people before they got on the planes on sept 11th and #3 jessica alba from dark angel in an extreme state of inebreation lol jk i just wanna breath the same air she does lol hahaahah ok fine i couldnt come up with anyone else lol give me time lol

  • Ravyn

    oh come on people! he said HISTORICAL and you all know we are not sure Jesus was a real person no matter how much faith you have! pick someone else! Not Biblical! REAL history!


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