If you could have dinner with any historical person...(top 3 choices)

by Ron1968 67 Replies latest jw friends

  • Low-Key Lysmith
    Low-Key Lysmith

    Billy The Kid seemed to kill folks in self defense or to avenge the deaths of his friends. I would like to have dinner with him, though, to discuss his tenacity and knack for using his head under extremely stressful circumstances....He also knew the meaning of the word "pals". I've always admired his dynamic personality, not the killer side though.

  • talesin

    makes sense, lok-key, after all, he was a product of his time ...... ie, billly the kid

    sometimes people like that (ie, william bonnY), became who we think they are b/c of the way history (ie HIS-tory, which is defined, at times, by those who have a stake in its telling, is not so true .... and I agree , LKS, billy bonney seemed to be a man who had little choice in his life ...

    As for William Wallace,,, correct me if I am wrong, but I believe he was a man who truly fought for his principles ...



  • Terra Incognita
    Terra Incognita

    1. Thomas Paine
    2. Mikhail Alexandrovich Bakunin
    3. Any average Neandertal woman
  • four candles
    four candles

    Good call Talesin,didn't see this thread before.

    My 3 would be Johnny Cash, Jimi Hendrix,Cozy Powell....just for a good old fasioned jam/drink session. Music rules!!!

  • Mad Sweeney
    Mad Sweeney

    Two of mine are all still alive:

    Neil Gaiman

    Butch Walker

    Mark Twain/Samuel Clemens

  • mouthy

    Martin Luther King
    Pierre Trudeau-------He got me thinking when I was a JW

  • DagothUr

    1. I.V. Stalin (my murderer is bigger that all your murderers, eat your hearts out!)

    2. Paul aka Saul of Tarsus (I would ask him what underhand interests made him a promoter of Christianity and if he was indeed gay as I suspect)

    3. The prophet Muhammad (I would take a photo of him and me kissing while drinking wine and smoking pot and post it on the Internet for all Muslims to see and die of shame)

  • unshackled

    1. Carl Sagan

    2. John Lennon

    3. Charles Darwin

  • Mad Sweeney
    Mad Sweeney

    I like the Sagan pick. Other great minds I'd like to meet are Tesla and Hawking, Ben Franklin, and maybe Isaac Newton and Leonardo DaVinci.

  • watersprout

    Ummmmm right.... My choices are...

    1. My great Grandmother (apparently she was fab)

    2. Dalai Lama

    3. Elizabeth Gilbert

    Carrots choices are

    1. Alexander the great

    2. Queen Elizabeth II

    3. Ranoulph Fiennes

    Babysprouts choices are

    1. Shakira

    2. Summer Waters

    3. Ernest Shackleton

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