Do you like cops?

by JH 37 Replies latest jw friends

  • Country_Woman

    depends on who the cop is.
    My father was one (50 years ago) and I loved him.
    My daughters friend is kind of a cop and I do like him.

  • Angharad

    Like with most professions ... there are good people and bad people.

    I am glad that they there when they do a good job and annoyed when they don't. I don't like the fixation with traffic and non-crime. Going 40 on a dual carriageway that has suddenly dropped to 30 for no reason than to generate revenue through speed traps for instance.

    On the whole, I've always been able to have a laugh with them and never had a ticket so I don't think they're too bad.

  • Simon

    Doh ... that was me in case you didn't guess !

  • freedom96

    Like any industry, there will be good cops and bad, though I would like to believe most cops are good guys.

    I have no problem with them whatsoever, unless I am speeding. Then I just prefer that they go away.

  • primitivegenius

    it depends on two things....... 1. there boss ........... and 2...... them. my grandfather was a cop and he was as dirty as they come, a complete sorry bastard. so bad did they get there that when the alegations piled up the whole department got told to resign or face in depth investigation. so he individually was a piece of sh*t and it could also be his boss was. thing is tho you will know in surroundind citys or parts of your town the police are assholes...... setting up the speed traps and such. you know if you have lived in a place long enough where there gonna be and to slow down through certain areas and alot of that is there cheifs rideing there asses for that revenue. mostly tho where i grew up they would flash there lights if you came past them to fast and if they saw brake lights you were good to go. but im always friendly with them till they give me reasons not to be. one time i was headed to the town i now live in from the hillbilly back woods i grew up in and was just about outta town in a place where there encouraged to be kinda pricks and got pulled over checked out and of course no tickets or anything and sent on my way....... then topped a hill about five or ten minutes further down the road in the next county and boom got pulled over again and the officer there wanted to search my vehicle due to a box of cartridges in my console and told me if he didnt find anything he would only write me a warning........ so he looked for half a dang hour and then had to send me on my way lol. can you say twice lucky..... tho i was late for the movie i didnt wanna chance it again lol. tho he was training a rather hot female officer so i got to enjoy looking i mean chatting with her while he searched my p o s car lol. wanted to compare ballistics with her if ya know what i mean but she was married lol woe is me :P

  • sandy

    Yes. Cops are a good thing in my book.

    I do have one negative cop story.

    A JW friend of mine and I were driving home from a club (we were sober) one evening when a cop pulled us over. Before he pulled us over (before I even seen him) my friend got on her cell phone and started to

    slow down. I didn't think anything of it at the time but she was slowing down because she saw the cop. She gets off her phone and before I know it a cop is flashing his lights on us so that we'll pull over.

    She pulls over and the cop walks up to her car and asks her for her license and registration. She gave him her registration only and said she lost her license. Then he asks her in a rude tone: You know your registration is expired? She answered him yes (politely) I know.

    Then he asked her why did she slow down and then speed up after he turned in the other direction? She said she did this because she was using her cell phone. He was being really rude to her and implying that she was lying.

    Then he asked us if we were drinking or if there are any drugs in our car. WTF! We both answer him, No we have not been drinking at all and we do not do drugs.

    He asked her: “So you lost your license?” She said “yes”.

    He asked are you sure? She said yes again. Then she confessed to the cop that her license is suspended.

    The officer was being really rude in the way he was talking to her the entire time.

    Then he asked her: Have you ever been arrested? She hesitated at first and then said “yes”

    WTF!! This is my good JW friend, I could not believe my ears!

    At this point I am thinking maybe there are drugs in this car.

    The cop asked us to step out of the car and then escorted us to his car. He put us in the back seat and then searched our car.

    OMG, WTF! My friend is just apologizing to me over and over. LOL (now I can laugh) The cop gets in the car with us and says directly to me:

    “I am sure your friend has a warrant and she is probably going to jail. WTF! So to that I said: “What the hell am I going to do? How am I going to get home?”

    So he said: “I will not impound her car but I know she has to have a warrant and is definitely going to go to jail." OMG! I wanted to start crying at this point but I remained calm.

    He Ran her license number and was surprised and obviously disappointed she did not have a warrant.

    He let us go and told her to drive straight home and not to drive her car anymore until she gets everything taken care of. His attitude toward her was a little better at this point.

    I am sure I left some details out but that is pretty much how it went down. LOL

    I went home, called my boyfriend and had a good cry on the phone.

    Now I say this story is negative because the whole time my friend was being nothing but polite to the officer. He was being a major asshole with her. He was really talking down to her before he knew anything about her record.

    Maybe I should point out that my friend is Black.

    Well that is my story and I’m sticking to it.

  • Englishman

    Do we like cops?

    Well, we call 'em coppers.

    Yeah, most of our coppers are amenable enough. I think that it helps that they have room under their hats to keep their sausage and mustard sandwiches warm. Keeps them in a good mood.


  • maxwell

    For the most part, yes. I think some departments do have problems with racial profiling and brutality. There have been some demonstrations here, where I think the police went overboard and overreacted. In the case of dealing with demonstrators who won't cooperate, I can understand human frustration, but I think overreacting in such a situation is problem that should be corrected. There are times when I think it's necessary for the cop to pull out his billy club and crack some heads and there are times when you just need to drag the person away in a firm controlled manner.

    On the other hand, I definitely think cops are needed. I generally feel safer when they are present. I've had a couple of speeding tickets in places where suddenly it drops from 45 to 30. But still the law is the law. If you decide to break the law, just be ready to pay for it. I live a couple of blocks from a police station. Sometimes I hear them scream by at night, but I'm glad they are there putting up some resistance to the bad guys.

  • ashitaka

    I do like cops. All my encounters have been very good. They don't bother me on the turnpike, if I'm speeding they just come up behind me, I wave and move to the next lane, and they go by.

    There's been a few times when cops helped out when my car was broken down. Always polite, always efficient.

    I have never met a mean cop, and they're always happy to talk when we're in the convenience store in the morning, getting a coffee.


  • heathen

    It would be nice if the police department just stuck to their moto , to serve and protect and not harrass people with seat belt bs and such .They do serve a purpous as far as keeping the thugs off the streets and solving murders . Not a job I would like except for solving murder , I think that would be cool .I just think of all the crap they have to deal with and how much they do make and it really seems like they are underpaid.

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