US violent crimes and murders rose in 2016, the FBI says

by Simon 52 Replies latest social current

  • Simon
    businesses shut down taking away jobs leaving the only way to live was to live through the proceeds of crime.

    No, this is a lie*. Communities decay into poverty because of crime, not vice-versa. The idea that poor people are criminals is insulting. Criminals are lazy fucking assholes and we shouldn't tolerate them - they should get to hide or mask their lazy-ass anti-social behavior by claiming to be victims and damn the people that enable it.

    They are not the victims - they are the ones that victimize people.

    *I know, there is a correlation between poverty and crime, I think it's oversold as the reason for it though. There are lots of groups that have been disadvantaged to the point of having nothing, but they pull themselves up with hard work and endeavour. Some groups are simply not as industrious. Same situations.


    For a start, to reduce the number of violent crimes, get rid of the 2nd amendment. People say that it is written in the constitution. So it can't be changed. It's an amendment. Just amend it. Get rid of all military style firearms and pistols.

    In Australia, after the Port Arthur massacre, the then government did just such. We were starting to have a lot of siege type events that involved military style weapons.

    Get rid of the elephant in the room.

  • Finkelstein

    One of the few things I agree with D Trump is that the US needs to rebuild its internal business economy and give it a boost, so many jobs have left the country leaving many areas of the US deeply impoverished and jobless.

    Reworking NAFTA might work, lower corporate tax for big businesses and personal taxes might work.

    At least Trump is thinking about these problems give him credit for that.

  • Simon

    Trump is actually knocking it out the park right now. Considering the entire arsenal of the MSM and Democratic fake news & outrage machine has been in overdrive since before the inauguration, he's killing it and killing them.

    Where's the Russia dossier gone? Anywhere? Watch out for things trailing off into nothingness - a sure sign that it was all vapour. Contrast with the Clinton scandals that are bubbling over despite the endless attempts to quash things. Obama is being erased - he did nothing of value, just lots of hot air and great "vote for me" speeches ... but what did he actually do for the country or even for any groups? Zilch.

    Under Trump the stock market is booming, jobs are coming back (not just Obama's McJobs) and now he's talking about a works programme and infrastructure rebuilding. Scrap the welfare state and make people WORK for a living. It will be the greatest thing the US has done for itself in the last 30 years.

    There's also big changes in the world - less pandering to terrorist regimes, more calling people out. Not giving palette loads of cash to fundamentalist Islamic regimes (WTF ws that?!) and now we have change happening in those countries that who knows, could re-shape the world.

    Trump. Who knew.

    God, imagine if it had been Clinton ...

  • Finkelstein

    The possession of guns is another problem and is obviously connected to the murder rates increasing.

    No other the time in US history has there been as many people who own guns either legally or illegally.

    Its the gangsta lifestyle after all, now get out my crib before I bust a cap in your ass.

  • Simon

    Access to guns is an issue but guns are not the issue. If law-abiding people have guns then you just have a bunch of armed well-behaved people. The issue is a combination of criminality and access to weapons - the real issue is the criminality.

    The prevalence of guns is not going to go away in the US until other issues are solved first. People should just give it up and stop promoting policies that make law abiding people feel they should have to purchase guns for their own protection.

    If you campaign for the illegal invasion of criminals (yes, illegal immigrants commit more crime) then don't be surprised that people feel they want to protect themselves because the government can't and won't.

  • Finkelstein

    but what did he actually do for the country or even for any groups? Zilch

    Well he did try and bring affordable health care to the country which was badly needed.

    He did save GM going broke and regrettably saved a couple of banks going bankrupt.

    The US economy has improved over his years in office, you cant lay that totally onto Trump's doing.

    The problem with Obama was that he was a social Democrat not a bushiness headed type and it showed, lawyer yes, businessmen not really.

    The lack of attention toward the country's business infrastructure cost the Democrats the election.

  • GLTirebiter

    While it is not BLM specifically, the widespread anti-police attitude apparently is the motivation behind yesterday's ambush killing of the sheriff's deputy in Colorado. The (deceased) murderer posted many anti-police rants on social media, lured law officers to his apartment on the pretext of a domestic dispute, then opened fire on them when they responded.

  • Simon
    Well he did try and bring affordable health care to the country which was badly needed.

    No, he didn't. He tried to do what socialists always do - take money off the people who work hard and make provision for themselves and make them have to pay for the lazy and feckless. Now I don't believe that 100% - there are other issues with the US health industry about costs. But he didn't create anything that was going to work long-term, he cobbled together a tower of Jenga and hoped it wouldn't fall down. If it's not sustainable then it won't work and isn't an achievement.

    He did save GM going broke and regrettably saved a couple of banks going bankrupt.

    No. If they were broke, they they were broke, you can't stop that. He bailed out the unions who were the biggest Democratic voting block. Like everything Obama did, he did it to benefit Democrat donors and voters.

    The US economy has improved over his years in office, you cant lay that totally onto Trump's doing.

    It never did anything more than plod along. The US stagnated under Obama and lots of people got poorer.

    And isn't that the problem. After two terms, there's really a big fat zero that people can point to - tenuous claims of success if you squint your eyes and don't look too closely. But lots of things got worse, much worse, including America's standing in the world and control.

    Now all the scandals are coming out and you wonder ... why did people think they loved him so much? What did he ever do that was great? (because being "cool" and charming on talk shows really isn't what it should be about). Even the people who were against wars and conflicts - he just bombed the shit out of places constantly. Coupled with the other sleazy behavior of his administration, I wonder who he was actually targeting and why. Do we even know?

  • Simon
    the noticeable reductions in crime which occurred in America during the early 1990s largely happened because the police returned focus onto their primary role - that of harassing the criminal element

    Thinking about this a bit more, I think it really boils down to society putting more value on the feelings of some people (even those likely to be criminal) than the actual wellbeing of others.

    It's a really warped outlook. I think it's an extreme situation that's only tenable in a brief window while leftist liberalism runs amuck, enabled by previous history, before the system corrects itself or fails permanently.

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