What ya doing?

by Vivamus 24 Replies latest jw friends

  • JH
    Anyway, I won't make it cuz:

    Maybe you will, because some add on automatically after 24hrs. If you made just 1 post at this time last night, it will be added to your 8 left.

    You can't rely on what it says as for when you can make more posts. Often it says I can't make a thread before a couple of hours, and then a few minutes later I can....

    You can only rely on the number of posts it says you have left. But like I said, you might get a couple more if you posted yesterday at this time.

  • arrowstar

    What am I doin'??

    Wating to see if Viv reaches 2000 posts. Writing up a Mary Kay order. Dreading paying the bills. And hoping that my housing situation works out for the best.

    and y'all??

  • Aztec

    Viv wait for the cache to clear and you might just make it under the wire. Course you'll probably have to wait to say thank you to all of us lovely people til you get back from you vacation but, we're patient folks right? Have a fun trip btw!


    PS thanks. I'm a bit too empathetic at times.

    PPS I'm right there with you arrow. Grrrr!

  • Vivamus

    Well, I will make the 1999, but then I won't be able to your post for congratulation me, ROFL, oh the irony....


    Dutch District Overbeer

  • Vivamus

    Arrowstar ... what's Mary Kay? We don't have that over here...


    Dutch District Overbeer

  • arrowstar

    Mary Kay is a cosmetics company. I'm an independent beauty consultant.


    My website...

  • kproscts

    Hey -busting on my Iron bit. I have to say if I could find shirts like that for the suits I would! Now it's time for a quick night cap tatty.

  • caligirl

    Desperately hoping that I will go into labor tonight because I am SO done with being pregnant! Also, thinking about making dinner - but that takes effort and I am really tired today, so that hasn't made it past the thought process yet.

  • Aztec

    Caligirl, one word..microwave! I know how that last week feels. (Like you are about to bust) Relax okay? The baby will come when it's ready to.


  • be wise
    be wise

    Can’t sleep – lot’s to do and all tomorrow. It’s now 3:20am. It’s the last week of college for me, as you can imagine a lot of nights out and bad habits too close to one another hasn't helped.

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