SIGN - Mandatory electronic tracking of Child Sexual Offenders - PETITION

by RevMalk 44 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • RevMalk

    SP, excellent way to look at it!

    And I'd rather be the guy that 'buys into propoganda' and fights for what I believe in, than a guy that lays down and does nothing because it's a 'losing battle'.

    And the thought that we might save one child, even by simply promoting the petition, makes my day worth it.

    Will this ever become law? Most likely not, but at least 457 people thought about these issues, and maybe, just maybe they kept a little better eye on their children because of it. Rev ----------

  • Big Tex
    Big Tex

    Actually Refiners, now that you expressed yourself I understand. I'm a bit the same. I hate political correctness. It's so ... correct. I personally hate the idea of thought police telling me what I can and cannot say or think. And if you feel this petition is PC, well I don't agree but at least I understand your antipathy.

    BTW, I don't find you or your attitude repulsive. I think it's your irascible nature coming out. I'm not bashing, just observing. I aspire to be a curmudgeon in my old age and shake my cane at any and all who come near.

  • Mr. Kim
    Mr. Kim

    Death would be easier. They would always be in the same place........................

  • RevMalk

    haha, yes I guess there's some truth in that statement.

    That's the next petition though, depending on how many we get for this one... Rev ----------

  • Trauma_Hound
    Hysterical garbage for the hysterically blinded and gullible. Why should paedophiles be tagged and thieves and carjackers not? No reason. Hysterical hatred and fear of Paedophilia is the flavour of the year. Nothing more, nothing less. Like I said, hysterical rubbish.

    Why does simon let assholes like you on?

  • Brummie
    half the population has been "molested", and the other half is the "molestor". I guess that makes it NORMAL, doesnt it.

    And you get annoyed because the molested half of the population appear to start getting politically correct with their abusers?

    What a stupid time to step into a thread and worry about political correctness


  • StinkyPantz

    Why is being Politically Correct always a bad thing anyway? If lobbying to get child molester's a stiffer sentence or to be better monitered is being PC, then I'm all for being PC.

  • RevMalk

    I've been trying to figure that out myself.

    Maybe we're supposed to be so afraid of the 'system', that we screw ourselves in the end.

    Hey! Perhaps is a plot of the world Governments!

    If they secretly convince us that we don't want to listen to this 'propoganda', then we'll just sit on our butts and do nothing, hence making their jobs easier!

    I bet that's it.... Rev ----------

  • Trauma_Hound

    No it's just Refiners Fire being a Troll.

  • Big Tex
    Big Tex

    Hey SP, I'm all for it as well. There is no question tracking of offenders would help stop abuse of children. I think it will happen eventually but it will take time and persistence.

    However I do object to many aspects of political correctness. I object to peer pressure trying to force my thoughts to conform. Perhaps it's because of how I was raised, but non-comformity (especially in the way I think) is familiar to me. Some of the PC terms are just downright silly. You're not smart you cerebrally gifted. I'm not white, I'm melanin impoverished. It's not woman; it's womyn.

    I love the idea of changing closed mind sets, but I think some of it is annoying and silly.

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