Dinner last night with our JW friends

by Mulan 25 Replies latest jw friends

  • Francois

    Wonderful story. Although this is likely the reason that shunning is the WTs response to every little flaw that finds expression. If people weren't shunned, they might go out to dinner with the ingrates (that would be you and Dave) and they would be lulled by your friendship and next thing they'd be reading Ray Franz and Presto Changeo, they'd be out too and Bang! No more contributions - or something very like that. Gotta shun those free thinkers before they infect the entire congregation with their bad apple attitude. Hehehe.

    Good work.

  • nowisee

    mulan, i was so happy reading of your experience. just let it spill.....

    so many best wishes, nowisee

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    For as much as people get angry at individual JWs we always need to remember that many of them are good people searching for truth. Some strongly believe they have found it. Others, after seeing so much that goes on know there is something seriously wrong and are beginning to doubt they truly have the truth.

    Best wishes on your continuing friendship and their freedom

  • jst2laws

    Mulan and BigRed


  • outnfree

    Is that the ball in their court, Steve?

    Or you, jumping for joy?

    What a nice story to end tonight's reading with! I'm going to bed on a happy note, thanks to you and Dave, Mulan!


  • bikerchic

    Marilyn that is so wonderful to hear. Long time friends are rare and precious. I hope things work out and they see the truth about the "truth" it would be wonderful for you and Dave to have them as friends you can see whenever and wherever you want without worring about someone seeing you, especially if you and Dave do get the axe.

    I recently got dumped by one of my long time JW friends. We met in our teens, like you and your friends and had 9 children between us, shared so much in those years and when I left my X and the B'org she still kept in contact with me, and was even supportive of my leaving my X. I recently talked to her on the phone and she asked if I would ever go back to the meetings and Jah. I told her no. We talked a bit about the pedifile stuff going on, she got real quiet. Long story short she wrote me an email and told me I was no longer "good association" for her because Jah would remove his holy spirit from her if she associated with me. It broke my heart, she is just one of many that won't talk to me, the evil apostate that I am.......sheese!

    Anyway I'm happy the outcome for you and Dave may be good. Keep us posted okay?


  • DannyBear

    Mulan & Dave,

    You must have handeled them very tenderly....no 'day after' remorse on thier end. Sounds as though they heard you resonate or confirm the doubts they have had for years. Yet you two were not foaming at the mouth evil apostate bastards! Well howdy do.

    How many mindless dubs could benefit from such a liesurely dinner party? Is it any wonder that the borganization will quickly chop the heads off of those like RF who dine with known apostates? Not really. It's just to risky. Gumby nailed it.

    Always does my heart good to hear about such good times.

    There is hope.


  • Princess

    I always liked them. I remember when you guys didn't think they were very "strong in the truth".

    Sounds like you did good work.

  • freedom96

    What a wonderful evening you had! Sounds like you have real friends there. I only wish more people would be as open. They sound very sincere.

  • LovesDubs

    Its so horrible that we have to walk on eggs with people we love so much isnt it? God thats just WRONG. Im so happy to hear you got together with these folks. There are some JWs on the perimeter of the org like this and Im sure they give the organization FITS!! The Org would like to still have the right to shoot apostates you know and people who DARE to defy them and associate with <gasp> EXJWs should be shot as well...hell SHOOT EVERYBODY who looks suspicious or .....even worse "PART THEIR HAIR DOWN THE MIDDLE" :) I say strike while the iron is hot Mulan ...have them over QUICK before they have too long to think about all this. I had a girlfriend close as she could be too me in the JWs. We got baptized the same day, had our marriages, kids, homes, etc at the same times...and when she had an affair with a married elder, we talked and I told her NO MATTER WHAT happened to her, I would never leave her side. I didnt care if she was DFd she was my friend and I loved her unconditionally.

    Well...a year later she was caught and was NOT DFd but was suicidal and even the elder would call me and beg me to please continue to talk to her and be with her because she had no other friends any more (everybody in the congregation knew and she had become the whore of the world you know...) DFing her would hve been kinder in my opinion. But then I DAd....and even though I explained to her why I did and showed her what I knew, she wrote to me one day (an unsigned letter ) and said that I was "too negative about her religion" to be around any more and DISMISSED ME from her life!!! SHE sleeps around and IM the one "leaving Jehovah"? What the hell??

    Im not over that one YET and its been 6 years...if ever there were evidence of mind control, thats it.

    Mulan when you see these people give them a hug from ALL of us and tell them they have given the rest of us hope that there is still a glowing ember of love and compassion for others down deep in the hearts of some JWs... and that maybe we still have a chance where our loved ones are concerned.

    xoxo Dawn

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