Pepper, your translation caculations are rediculious. Do you honestly think it takes ONE person to translate a talk i to a particular language and that ONE person is located at walkill and can translate the whole gilead program in the snap of a finger?
You have absolutely zero concept as to what any sort of translating involves. It is a huge effort and takes a large investment of time. A single bilingual person CAN do it, but as a point of referance, it takes a si gle person about 4 hours to translate 20 min of cartoon from Japanese to english. 20 min of simple cartoon dialog. Now take that and extrapolate 3 or 4 hours of complex religious language that in many languages wont have exact words to match along with the need for exacting contextual meaning.
This looks very much like (yet again) more wishful thinking. You drastically underestimated the needed labor to make seem as if the org lacks something cheap and inexpensive. Epic failure.
Also slim, your estimate of a 1k videos seems rather short sighted. That would equate to 1k months (since they do one a month). At one a month that would be 83 years. Your on record as saying they are collapsing in 2 years. I call foul on that prediction.