The watchtower does not have the resources

by pepperheart 55 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • pepperheart

    If you have a look at the december broadcast on jw tv they tell you that they wont be showing you a normal format for december but the 143rd event of gilead because the watchtower does not have the resources other wise to translate it many different lanuages.

    With all the cuts the watchtower have made and are going to make you would have thought that they would have lots of resources

  • Magnum

    Did they give any indication as to exactly what they mean by "resources"? Is this a tactic to make JWs think they need money and to move them to donate?

  • LV101

    My thoughts exactly, Magnum. It's difficult to believe that all their hardliners, live-forever addicts and power sociopaths, nutters, etc., have stopped donating. It's their social club and life - they can't run their own lives a day without the Watchtards directing them.

    There was just another thread about their December broadcast few days ago.

  • smiddy3

    Do the rank and file JW even know of all the buildings being sold or are about to be sold in Brooklyn ? and how much money they have already received from those sales that have been finalized ? {over 1 Billion Dollars US so far}

    Also with the sale of KH`s ,Branch Officers ,etc,etc all around the world and all of their cutbacks they have been making , JW HQ must be rolling in the dough ,$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$

    So not having the resources could not mean they are short of cash could it.!!

  • scratchme1010
    With all the cuts the watchtower have made and are going to make you would have thought that they would have lots of resources

    Probably they meant that they don't have resources to share with their people. Either way, I see that as a very good thing.

  • _Morpheus

    It could have been a simple admission that translating a program, recorded a short time ago and with parts that were delivered extemporaneously from scripts that were individually prepared by the presenters, into dozens (or more) languages in a short period of time was beyond their capabilities.

    or it means their collapsing RIGHT NOW THIS VERY INSTANT!!!!!!!!

    take it as you wish.

  • LV101

    ahh, let's be delusional and say they're "collapsing RIGHT NOW THIS VERY INSTANT!!!!!!!!" IF ONLY!

    YOU make fiction FUN, _Morph!

  • DesirousOfChange

    because the watchtower does not have the resources other wise to translate it many different languages.

    WTF? What resourses are required? I'm sure their translators work for free and many or most live offsite and are not even a burden at Bethel. (WT loves commuters!)

    Woe is me! GOD(s) need your money!

  • pepperheart

    If you say they have to translate 200 lanuages and they have 200 people living at bethel and it costs the watchtower $50 per week per person thats $10,000 per week.And with all the cuts they have made these past years $520,000 per year does not sound a lot UNLESS they are short of money

  • slimboyfat

    I wouldn't be surprised if they produce 1000 videos or so and then say: "that's enough folks, what more do you want?" Replay them endlessly until our head hurts.

    It really seems the GB are winding things down.

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