Will The Pope Just Die Already!

by xjw_b12 40 Replies latest social current

  • Robdar

    El Kabong said it best:

    The Pope is cool. Leave him alone.

    And btw, Hi Ravyn


  • Ravyn

    link for the beatification and canonization process from the Catholic Encyclopedia:


    notice the issue of papal infallibility involved which proves just exactly what papal infallibility is, and isn't. worth following those hyperlinks to understand what it really means.(rather than what JWs and other Protestants assume it means...)


  • Ravyn

    :: waving at Robyn! ::

    oh yeah I forgot....Yeru also said it was hard to get excommunicated and easy to get back if you are...that kinda goes with the idea that the people who these Catholic friends of yours pray to are assumed to be in heaven even if they were not the best examples of saints while they were still on earth....well the Catholic Church believes God gives everyone every chance even after death. That is purgatory. To go to Hell would take quite a bit of willful absolute sinning to get to. So even if a person is not doing their best while on earth, they still have a chance to change that in purgatory. And contrary to what some people think, Catholics do not believe that innocent children who die go to Hell. But that IS one of the reasons Catholics believe in infant baptism--not so much to cleanse a baby from their sins(since they don't have any of their own yet...) but to put a 'dibs' on their soul in case they die early.


    PS--I did not say I believe everything the Church teaches.....dont get me wrong. But I was told that if I held the Creed, that was all I needed and the rest of the Church is 'icing on the cake' so to speak.

  • Robdar


    Good posts and thanks for the link.

    There is much more to the Catholic religion than people realize. I find it to be quite fascinating and lovely. It is amazing to me how misinformed protestants are about Catholics. The link that you provided should help them better understand.


  • DJ


    wow. quite a link. I'll check it out. I never understood the rosary because of the redundant prayers. I thought that Jesus taught not to do that (like the heathens) lol, He said that! I was baptized Catholic as a baby and made my first holy communion but I'm afraid that all I remember are the jw teachings since around age 11. I don't think that I would ever be able to be Catholic again....too much brain clog from the past but it is interesting how the jw's seem to hate them the most. I've never actually met a devout Catholic. I have laughed a few times at Mother Angelica? on tv late at night when I can't sleep. She is a trip. Thanks again....dj

  • Mr. Kim
    Mr. Kim

    Geeze !

    What a way to say it!

  • Ravyn

    hey DJ!

    I believe the implication about repeating meningless prayers was because in Jesus' opinion those prayers were...well....MEANINGLESS! LOL Anyway, you can repeat a mantra and it can have meaning.

    He was teaching thoughtfulness in prayer, and if you do the rosary the correct way it is very thoughful and has much meaning. The protestant churches' interps of scripture were based on hatred of catholicism...so some of it is semantics and irrelevant today.

    As far as the rosary--well certainly it takes greater discipline to stay focused than informal prayer...because you have to stay 'in the moment' when you are not actively thinking of conversation with God....but the mysteries are the part that keep you active.

    For every ten Hail Marys(a decade--pronounced 'dekkid')you meditate on a 'mystery'. You do 5 Mysteries per day(it takes about 20-30 minutes), so in a week you do them all atleast once--nuns, priests and religious do them all once a day. The rosary beads are 5 sets of ten, but a nun or priests' rosary is all 20(it was 15 up till JP2 changed it this past Spring) sets of ten and can be used around the waist like a belt! These mysteries are:

    Joyous: Announcing of Jesus birth to Mary by Gabriel, The Visit of Mary to Elizabeth, The Birth, The Presenting in the Temple, and The Finding of Jesus in the Temple when he was 12;

    Luminous(the new ones): Jesus' Baptism, The Wedding at Cana, The Proclaiming of the Kingdom(and all the miracles), The Transfiguration, and The Last Supper;

    Sorrowful: Agony in the Garden(contrition for sins), Scourging at the Pillar(mortification of senses), Crowning with Thorns, Carrying the Cross, and Crucificxion;

    Glorious: The Resurrection(our conversion), The Ascention, Coming of the Holy Spirit(our gifts), Assumption of Mary(our hope), and Mary's Coronation(eternal happiness).

    all of these can be personalized to our own particular journies of faith or they can be dedicated to others, even social issues.

    So it is a little difficult to meaninglessly repeat a Hail Mary if you are at the same time meditating on a mystery. It is kinda like trying to do more than one thing at once, and it truly has a feeling of 'giving up' (to God) in that you become absorbed and nothing is done for yourself in this exercise. The rhythm takes you almost out of yourself. That is the best I can describe it. It is considered that each Hail Mary will give Mary a rose in heaven and we are putting together a bouquet for Jesus' mother (and our mother.) So it is very mindful(mind-full)--the opposite of what Jesus warned about when he said not to repeat prayers!


  • Kenneson

    Talk about judging a person by their outward appearance--that's the reaction I get from some on this thread. You look at trembling hands and a decrepit body and make judgmental remarks. How unfair! He still has a brilliant mind. Parkinson's disease doesn't effect it.

  • DanTheMan

    Geez, this thread has me wanting to go back to Catholicism! My mom would love you guys!

  • Francois

    Yeru, I'm really interested to know upon what scripture does the Catholic Church insist that each and every act of sexual intercourse leave open the possibility of conception? From this concept comes the entire contraception debate, and I'd like to know upon what it's based.


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