A question for Sword of Jah

by AwakenedAndFree 48 Replies latest jw friends

  • Francois

    SOJ - The scripture at Deut. 18:20-22 regarding identification of a false prophet does NOT give any leeway for those who prophesy to be, in your words, "mistaken." Nor does it allow for the prophet to avoid his identification as false by saying, regarding that falsely prophesied, "It was a natural enough mistake to make (the societies own words)" Nor is there any room in that scripture to claim that which was poorly understood by the prophet is now being made more clear by "new light." And on and on in that vein the society attempts to cut itself slack when it screws up yet another prophecy - yet God did not cut those falsely prophecying such slack. There is NO ROOM in the cited scripture for ANY mistake on the part of the real prophet at ANY time. Can't you get a firm grasp on the obvious?

    Further, the cited scripture INSTRUCTS Gods followers "do NOT be afraid of him." Yet the WTBTS enforces its false prophesies upon its member rank and file, threatening them with disfellowshipping if they do not preach their false prophecies. This is a black and white, up or down CHOICE presented to the followers of God BY GOD: choose between my instructions here, or follow and be afraid of the false prophet (which way leads to destruction). By choosing to continue to believe and follow the false prophet, the people MUST disobey God. And there's no way to slice and dice that scripture to make it say anything else. It is very clear that the blind are indeed following the blind.

    How can you say you have any personal honor or morals when you knowingly follow a false prophet and encourage others to do so? Would you like a list of all the false prophecies authored by the GB in the last 120 years?

  • hillary_step


    How can you say you have any personal honor or morals when you knowingly follow a false prophet and encourage others to do so? Would you like a list of all the false prophecies authored by the GB in the last 120 years?

    Just tell us the ones that they understood correctly. That should take all of....one second.

    Best - HS

  • Francois

    I would do that, HS, if I knew of any. They got the hell fire teaching correct, but that ain't a prophecy.

    Bottom line, religion is an emotional phenomena no open to rational discourse. And I don't know Sir Sword well enough to know how to appeal to his emotional makeup.


  • SwordOfJah

    The point is that JWs did not prophesy, they were trying to understand a prophesy that is already written in the Bible.

  • Brummie
    they were trying to understand a prophesy that is already written in the Bible.

    Too funny! Try as they may they fail everytime, failure is the only thing they are consistent in! with a history of 100% failed prophecy I have to wonder why you defend them so much and stake your life on a bunch of prophetic losers? Do you think they will get it right one of these days?


  • run dont walk
    run dont walk

    Sorry SOJ,

    but I am sick and tired of people saying "well this was misunderstood" or "misinterpeted" .

    That is a tractor trailer load of BS.

    If, these so called annoited ones and/or faithful and discreet slave class, who are writing the books in the (1900-1990's) get all their information from GOD, are we then to believe that Jehovah cannot express himself properly to his so called "annoited ones". Or that the annoited ones are just brain dead. What a cop-out.

    And the part that kills me is, the loyal JW's believe it EVERYTIME.

  • jgnat

    ...so this unintentional, SINCERE, but mistaken application of Jehovah's word by the WTS makes them superior to the rest of Christendom's churches how?

  • larc


    To attempt to interprete prophecy, and when said prochecy will be fulfilled is the same thing as making a prophecy. So if the WT says that a certain set of scriptures will be fulfilled at a certain date, then that is, in fact, a prophecy.

    You, like your spiritual leaders, weazel words to explain all of the major errors that have been made.

    I asked a number of questions to you earlier, so I will only bring up one. What is the scriptural and Biblical and Jehovah's Witness interpretation and meaning of the mansion, known as Beth Sarim and the nearby mansion of Beth Shan?

  • StinkyPantz


    The point is that JWs did not prophesy

    And yet they claim to be prophets. Don't prophets prophecy?

    Watchtower 1972 April 1:

    This "prophet" was not one man, but was a body of men and women . It was the small group of footstep followers of Jesus Christ, known at that time as International Bible Students. Today they are known as Jehovah's Christian witnesses ...

    Awake! 1986 June 8:

    You will be interested to learn that God has on earth a people, all of whom are prophets , or witnesses for God. In fact, they are known throughout the world as Jehovah's Witnesses.

    Watchtower 1959 January 15:

    Whom has God actually used as his prophet?

    By the historical facts of the case Christendom is beaten back in defeat. Jehovah's Witnesses are deeply grateful today that the plain facts show that God has been pleased to use them. ... It has been because Jehovah thrust out his hand of power and touched their lips and put his words in their mouths...

    Watchtower 1964 October 1:

    ... for God has on earth today a prophetlike organization , ... Jehovah's anointed witnesses on earth.


    When I first saw that: re 1935 cafuffle, I was amazed...and yes, further resolved to stay away from the WTBTS and it's earthly organization and any heavenly connection as well.


    S.of Jah: the more I read from you, the more I go and examine WTS prophecy and doctrine closer, and find the information uncovered, unrefutable.

    Even when proof is given to some; people will cut their nose off despite their face.

    Living in deception for many years, leads to a sort of creature comfort for some.

    The more I see of those who defend the organization, the more I see the tragedy of a life under the WTBTS.

    If one defends the organization and its teachings, that's one thing: defending Jehovah - he should be able to do it for himself, not have some measly human being do it for him.

    Crisis of Consciousness is next. I'm reading some other 'apostate' literature right now thanks to Thunder Rider .

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