SOJ explain how your conscience allows you to post on Apostate site?

by LyinEyes 43 Replies latest jw friends

  • SwordOfJah


    I will explain why I believe that I'm not sinning nor going against the Faithful & Discreet Slave for posting here.

    First, as JWs we should not associate with those that are disfellowshipped or that are apostates, that is clear. I don't believe I'm associating with anyone by posting in this forum. I don't get into the "chit chatting", "fluff". I only get involved with Biblical topics and those threads that are attacking my faith and of Jehovah's Witnesses in general. For example: if I'm out in service going house to house and the householder is an ex-JW or disfellowshipped and he asks questions or attacks my faith, I would defend myself. That would not be associating but witnessing. The same case happens in this forum. Now I know that I voluntarily visit this forum, but as many of the posters have pointed out, not everyone here is an apostate or disfellowshipped. Some here are inactive, some are fading away, some just lurk out of curiosity. I also post for their benefit.

    Do I visit for my own benefit? The answer is no. I don't need the forum to feed me spiritually. Has it been eye opening? It sure has. I see that some are just plainly disgruntled over getting disfellowshipped. Others are angered because of injustices caused by fellow Witnesses in their congregations. Others have just been confused by apostate doubts. Others have lost faith in Jehovah and are not willing to wait on him.

    So in conclusion, why do I visit this forum? To witness.

  • searchfothetruth


    I have never answered a post you've made but your arrogance is overwhelming this time.

    Most people on this board are not here to be witnessed too. They KNOW that the Watchtower is just another corrupt religion and if you can't see that then maybe your the one that needs witnessing to.



  • SheilaM
    I see that some are just plainly disgruntled over getting disfellowshipped. Others are angered because of injustices caused by fellow Witnesses in their congregations. Others have just been confused by apostate doubts. Others have lost faith in Jehovah and are not willing to wait on him.

    You forgot the ones that had been raped by brothers and sisters and elders and MS. The one's that had been told to go back to abusive situations to get beat some more. The one's being physically and mentally abused by their parents ALL WITH THE ELDERS KNOWLEDGE. The one's that go hungry, that go without and get no support spiritually or emotionally from the organization. The multi-billion dollar organization that lies and protects those that rape and sodomize children. AND YOU BELIEVE JEHOVAH supports this you are sick.

  • funkyderek
    I see that some are just plainly disgruntled over getting disfellowshipped. Others are angered because of injustices caused by fellow Witnesses in their congregations. Others have just been confused by apostate doubts. Others have lost faith in Jehovah and are not willing to wait on him.

    Do you not see others who simply no longer wanted to be Jehovah's Witnesses and have been vilified by their family and former friends because of it? Others who suffered such abuse and mistreatment at the hands of the Watchtower Society and its representatives that they had to leave? Others who researched the claims of the Watchtower Society and found them to be false?

    So in conclusion, why do I visit this forum? To witness.

    Do you count your time? If you reply more than once to somebody, do you count it as a "return visit"? Got any "Bible studies" going?

  • avishai
    First, as JWs we should not associate with those that are disfellowshipped or that are apostates, that is clear. I don't believe I'm associating with anyone by posting in this forum. I don't get into the "chit chatting", "fluff". I only get involved with Biblical topics

    But getting involved in "spiritual conversation" is the one thing your NOT supposed to do even w/ DF people it's "ok" to talk to, like family in your home.

  • oldcrowwoman

    His lot in life here is to yank peoples chain!! Certainly does a great job doing it.


  • LyinEyes

    I really appreciate you answering this SOJ.

    But ............ When you are out in service you are out there to find people to talk , you are not out there looking for the d/f or apostates. You come here , knowing full well that the great majority are not just d/f , d/a but full blown I dont believe in the WT apostates. Even thou I consider myself an apostate, I still believe in God, Jehovah if you will.

    You are going agaisnt the rules by coming here to witness to the apostates, or anyone eles for that matter. Plain and simple you are breaking the rules , and I dont understand how you think you are above the rules that the elders, the CO's the GB have set and most of them would not be doing what you are doing and would not condon it at all.

    No matter what the reason you are here,,,,,,,,,even if it is to help some that you think you can help....... I can understand that,,,,,,but the WT will not understand it.

    And................talking about spiritual matters is what is more forbidden than talking about fluff, or chit chatting........even if it is in defense of your faith.

    My point is that no matter how you dice it , justify it, you are breaking the WT rules by posting here , even if you are trying to save some souls.

    Again, I am not saying you shouldnt post here, that is not my view at all,,,,,,,,,,,,,but I was just curious as to how your conscience doesnt eat at you. And you answered it. But I was a JW all of my life and I know that doing what you are doing would get me D/F,,,,,,,,,,I wouldnt not have wanted to risk my standing with Jehovah over a ex jw discussion forum. But that was just the way I felt about it.

    Maybe in time as you stick around, you will see more and more, maybe your eyes will be opened to what the WT is really about......I was in your shoes once before,,,,,,,and I never thought I would leave the JW's but it didnt take long for the real truth about the JW's to take hold of my logical thought. I tried to reason away the things I was learning , but there came a day when I couldnt deny that my religion was wrong.

  • ThiChi

    I am glad SOJ is here, just as a matter of principle. I encourage all Dubs to participate here....Who only wants to hear one-sided viewpoints all the time? I hope more and more Dubs continue to come here and participate in the arena of ideas......

    I find it ironic to encourage others to "obey the Slave," You would think we would welcome all who would like to discuss the JW issue, JW or not, and see where the facts lead us........

  • Francois

    Butterknife of Jah the first thing you've got wrong is that you obviously feel it is alright for you to engage in independant thinking. You're not supposed to do that, you know.

    The second problem is that you have used your illicit independant thinking to justify and rationalize your being here among the apostates, the DFed, the DAed; you know, the scum of JW society, the outcasts.

    So far, then, you've engaged in one forbidden activity to justify your participation in a second forbidden activity which is tantamount to yet a third, and that is you are running ahead of Jehovah's visible organization, the FDS. The slave, you will have noticed, has no outreach program which attempts to regain, reclaim, rehabilitate DFed ones or anyone else. What gives you the right to engage in, so far, these three strikes against you and what you're doing?

    If you really feel you're doing something that is approved by your Jehovah, then tell us to what congregation you belong, in what city, and provide along with that the telephone number of two or three of your congregation elders.

    You really are wasting your time and ours you know. There are quite a few regulars here who, on an intellectual basis, discussing JW matters or any else for that matter, could eat your lunch before you had the slightest idea what was going on.

    I can only arrive at the conclusion that you are severely deluded. You're not exactly welcome here. And if your elders knew what you are up to, you wouldn't be welcome there either. So you are walking a dangerous tight rope, aren't you? The slightest screw up and you're going to be dog food.


  • Francois

    Butterknife of Jah the first thing you've got wrong is that you obviously feel it is alright for you to engage in independant thinking. You're not supposed to do that, you know.

    The second problem is that you have used your illicit independant thinking to justify and rationalize your being here among the apostates, the DFed, the DAed; you know, the scum of JW society, the outcasts.

    So far, then, you've engaged in one forbidden activity to justify your participation in a second forbidden activity which is tantamount to yet a third, and that is you are running ahead of Jehovah's visible organization, the FDS. The slave, you will have noticed, has no outreach program which attempts to regain, reclaim, rehabilitate DFed ones or anyone else. What gives you the right to engage in, so far, these three strikes against you and what you're doing?

    If you really feel you're doing something that is approved by your Jehovah, then tell us to what congregation you belong, in what city, and provide along with that the telephone number of two or three of your congregation elders.

    You really are wasting your time and ours you know. There are quite a few regulars here who, on an intellectual basis, discussing JW matters or any else for that matter, could eat your lunch before you had the slightest idea what was going on.

    I can only arrive at the conclusion that you are severely deluded. You're not exactly welcome here. And if your elders knew what you are up to, you wouldn't be welcome there either. So you are walking a dangerous tight rope, aren't you? The slightest screw up and you're going to be dog food.


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