BBC: US tries to Boost Patriotism, Faked Rescue: Jessica Lynch

by Cassiline 57 Replies latest social current

  • kproscts

    I would have to reserve judgment here as well. The facts are however, she was MIA; she was Captured; she was Beaten Badly: she did have multiple broken bones and fractures. Outside of that did the US over play their hand, possibly? Did they see an opportunity, possibly? I think we should keep in mind that even though we were in a war of little resistance, we were ambushed out of the blue on multiple occasions, we did not know who was good & who was bad. They may have felt it best to go in over protected than to just stroll in, given the circumstances. The military has always had a kind of John Wayne still when it comes to their fallen brother's/sister's who are MIA/POW and I can understand if it was someone I loved - would probably have done the same. But, I do agree they may have let the rumors get out of hand and let the hype take over, after all it's good PR. We may never know the truth on this one and if you take any event and have several people look at it, they will all come away with similar but distinctly differnt views? Good post and good discussion. Let us know if you learn more.

  • teejay
    this whole war reminds me a lot of the movie WAG THE DOG. -- Realist

    The thought has definitely crossed my mind a time or two. Funny how the entire incident has slipped form Heroine Lynch's memory. Look for the TV of the week coming soon to a theater near you ...

  • ColdRedRain

    *Yawn* Another conspiracy theory released by an Anti-US Socialist European media outlet.

    Don't those guys have to be on Art Bell or something?

  • Yerusalyim

    Here's my analysis (and ya knew it was coming).

    Is it possible the whole thing was faked? Sure. It's also possible the moon landing was faked. PFC Lynch's injuries? Well, the fog of war that's always talked about, it's real, I've experienced it. Did the Special Forces go in with blanks and fake a shoot out? NOT AT ALL POSSIBLE! If it was a fake, then these guys weren't special forces. I worked in the Special Forces Community for five years. I know the mind set of these guys. We took live ammo on training missions. There is no way no how that the Group Commander or Battalion Commander would approve such a fiasco. You just don't go into an area where even the slightest possibility of a fire fight exists shooting blanks. No A-Team Leader nor Team Sergeant would accept such a mission (and they have the option of refusing). The integrity of the Special Forces Soldier is the highest I've personally experienced anywhere, anytime, anyhow. Those calling the rescue mission a fake conducted with blank ammo aren't just calling the US government a liar, they're calling into question the integrity of men I know, respect, and have trusted with my life. Thems fightin words!

    by the way TeeJay, Traumatic Memory loss is REAL COMMON. You go through what PFC Lynch did and tell me how good your memory is. Hell, I have memory loss from my experience at the Survival, Evasion, Resistence & Escape school run by the Army, and my experience was nothing compared with what Lynch went through.

  • Dawn

    Realist. I was just thinking the same thing. Good movie.

  • Patriot

    Yeah ok,

    There always has to be some knuckleheaded reporter who wants to make a name for himself that will say whatever to make some headlines. And then theres always those who choose to believe in these stupidities and try to prove that the Gov't. is "hiding something".

    The reality is that Yeru is right. No self respecting Spec Ops team is going to take the credit for something they did not do. We (they) live by a certain code:




    Selfless service



    Personal courage

    Which is more than most people will ever live by. I would no ever, ever lie about a rescue mission that did not take place, I'd rather get articled 15nd that lie about such things, as Im pretty sure that those soldiers involved feel.

    Believe what you choose, thats what makes this country great.


  • foreword

    Oh and you forgot to mention.....


    No man exibiting the qualities you mentioned would take upon himself to kill another guys were simply brainwashed into believing you have those qualities.

    As far as the Lynch story is concerned, if you had nothing to hide you would put out the unedited version of the video. Since you don't, you have to add to your list of qualities, deceivers and liars.

    Most people outside your country try to look at both sides of the story to get the truth, yet you are the ones denying us that.

    And if your commanding officer would say you're going in with blanks, you'd do just that, otherwise you'd be reprimanded for not following orders. Am I right or not?

    So far, everything you've told the world ended up being lies, and you'd want us to believe in your good intentions.

    Sorry, my right to freedom dictates I have a right to not believe you, unless of course you're willing to come clean, which you won't.

    And why don't you add to your list...egotistic...just like your leaders

  • Simon
    Is it possible the whole thing was faked? Sure. It's also possible the moon landing was faked. PFC Lynch's injuries? Well, the fog of war that's always talked about, it's real, I've experienced it. Did the Special Forces go in with blanks and fake a shoot out?

    Yeru ... I think you are intentionally clouding the issue and comparing it with known and bogus conspiracy theories does not make it less likely.

    When it first happened, it looked suspiciously like a staged media event at a time when the war effort was a bit bogged down and needed some positive news to knock a lot of cock-ups off the front pages.

    Some of the things in the story did not make sense (like they had to shoot their way in but had time to dig graves for the dead with their bare hands). Now it sounds like emotional contrived stories to stir people into support.

    No doubt there will still be a big hollywood movie made that will be even more over-the-top than the "rehersal"

    We have been told a lot of things that were not true. I think this is just one in a whole line of things.

    Blair is under intense pressure over here for the misrepresentations he made such as the "Saddam could launch WoMD in 45 minutes" and even the intelligence people are starting to voice their concern about what he is claiming he was told.

    I think Blair is either as dishonest as Bush or was well and truly taken in. I suppose the latter is the better of two evils so let's just hope he doesn't get suckered again. I don't trust either of them.

  • foreword

    Nicely said Simon.

    BTW, don't come with the answer that the war was necessary to fight terrorism. Amnesty International just said that your moves have made the world a less secure place. So the solution obviously wasn't war.

    Don't you find it odd, that everytime you raise your security warnings higher, nothing happens. And I mean nothing.

    Don't get me wrong here. Personally I'm not accusing anyone not having control of events, which means everyone on this board. But if we find out later, what most people suggest as suspisious behavior on the part of your leaders proves to be true, it won't surprise me a bit.

    And it will give us something else to talk about.

  • Yerusalyim


    You said,

    No man exibiting the qualities you mentioned would take upon himself to kill another guys were simply brainwashed into believing you have those qualities.

    As far as the Lynch story is concerned, if you had nothing to hide you would put out the unedited version of the video. Since you don't, you have to add to your list of qualities, deceivers and liars.

    And your an expert on this because why?

    You seem to be calling me, Patriot, and all the US soldiers involved liars and deceivers, them there is fightin words. Pretty brave for someone who doesn't know me. Why the Pentagon hasn't released the video in full, I don't know and can't answer, but for you to then call us soldiers liars and deceivers is WAY OUT OF LINE. WHat have YOU PERSONALLY done to make the world a better place. I spit on you! Anyone who would make such a judgement is a worthless piece of sh*t who in my opinion cowers behind his screen playing with himself and thinking himself a man. Email me and I'll send you my address, we can talk about this issue face to face, like men.

    And if your commanding officer would say you're going in with blanks, you'd do just that, otherwise you'd be reprimanded for not following orders. Am I right or not?

    No, you're NOT right. Within the Special Ops community team leaders have the ability to turn down missions. Nor would these soldiers keep something like that secret, they'd be yelling out loud to beat the band. You obviously know NOTHING of soldiering or you wouldn't even have to ask that question.

    So far, everything you've told the world ended up being lies, and you'd want us to believe in your good intentions.

    Lie? Name one lie, show that the administration has intentionally misinformed the public.

    Sorry, my right to freedom dictates I have a right to not believe you, unless of course you're willing to come clean, which you won't.

    And why don't you add to your list...egotistic...just like your leaders

    Yes, you're free not to believe me, you're free to say whatever idiotic thing you want. But if you want to call me and my fellow soldiers liars, be a man and step out from behind your little protective screen.

    Egotist? No, just confident. To your list I add first class JERK!


    Some of the things in the story did not make sense (like they had to shoot their way in but had time to dig graves for the dead with their bare hands). Now it sounds like emotional contrived stories to stir people into support.

    Again, if you knew these guys the way I do you'd know they're not going to be involved in a media circus. The testimony of these guys is they were fired upon from outside the hospital compound (the support troops not the assault team. They assaulted the hospital according to Standard Operating Procedures, using flashbang grenades and securing every person in the building they came across. That's called COMMON SENSE. They had no idea what they were facing when they arrived. Nasiriyah was then a war zone, the Allies had been being fired upon by Fedeyeen in civilian clothes. Here's how this works, you go in, secure a location by overwhelming force, then, if your not under direct fire, you can take time to do things like gather more detailed intelligence, dig up graves, etc. I've seen these types of operations a lot in the last seven years, this was a pretty standard operation. The uneducated and uninformed making judgements like this is ridiculous. I do criticize the Pentagon for not being more foth coming (thereby giving idiots like "Foreword" blank ammo to shoot) on the other hand, the military folks don't generally like to communicate with the media, and the special ops soldiers HATE all this attention.

    Simon, sorry for going off on FOREWORD like that, but I take this as a personal insult, the only thing he could do that was worse than questioning my integrity would be to talk about my mother.

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