Not on a WTS Cover - Famine Continues to Decline

by berrygerry 28 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Dummheit

    I have never been a Jehovah Witness but was involved in a similar controlling religion. I have maintained an interest in the major cults such as JW's, Mormons and even minor players like Scientology (I think that many people were like me in honestly believing that surrendering any critical thinking to their cult will bring them to God).

    I believe that the Jehovah Witnesses have been in decline in North America for about ten years or so, based on the decline that I have seen in my former controlling group (I don't believe any numbers that the WT produces). The Watch Tower organization reminds me of the former East Germany before it collapsed (not that I expect the WT to suddenly dissolve). East Germany tottered along for years with its internal problems papered over for the most part. It provided a bland and secure environment for its citizens who in turn believed or pretended to believe the propaganda that the state produced (common joke was that we pretend to work and they pretend to pay us). East Germany slowly weakened but hung on with support from Russia which was hardly in better condition. When the system collapsed, the end came quickly. I suspect that the Watch Tower will soon experience a critical tipping point after which it will transform itself into a smaller and ever diminishing organization. I fear that the remainder may become even more fanatical as they try to adjust to the new reality and the ever changing WT dogma.

  • tim3l0rd
    I fear that the remainder may become even more fanatical as they try to adjust to the new reality and the ever changing WT dogma.

    I fear this too. So many have put in so much time and are so ingrained that they would believe/do whatever the magnificent 7 told them to do. They will become more insular and maybe more paranoid.

  • freemindfade

    The only thing there is more of today is exposure to the times we live in, atrocities still happen, and problems persist, war, famine, disasters, but now faster and clearer than ever they are beamed in real time into our homes, our desks and our hands. We are more aware.

    things can get bad and worse, this has been all of history. JW's are like fox news, BE AFRAID!!!!

  • berrygerry

    The only literature that mankind has to read is the literature printed and published by God's earthly publishing house .... The Watchtower Corporation.

    So if reading 32 page monthly WT and Awakes garnered a College Education, what will that mean for the next gen of Dubs who only get 8-page bi-monthlies?

    A certificate?

  • GrreatTeacher

    Dummheit, so interesting the comparison to East Germany.

    The Berlin wall fell in my senior year of high school. I was shocked because this seemed to contradict the Watchtower. You see, the Cold War was proof that the world was wicked and we were so very close to Armageddon.

    When the wall fell, I didn't know what to think since the Watchtower's King of the North (Russia) and King of the South (the United States) were no longer at war. That was supposed to be a sign that we were in the Last Days!

    So interesting that you compare the fall of East Germany to the fall of the Watchtower. Thanks for this unique perspective.

  • Village Idiot
    Village Idiot

    Welcome to the forum Dummheit. Tell us a little bit more about you when you're ready.

  • Oubliette
    My mind is made up; please don't confuse me with some inconvenient facts!
  • Finkelstein

    Selling the increase in famine, wars and lawlessness was easy for the WTS. during throughout the 20th century and perhaps even before.

    They exploited people's ignorance to the fullest, supporting themselves on the supposed sacred writings in the bible and the believably of those writings within the population.

    Exploiting people's fears, insecurities and ignorance is the game the WTS has played for a very long time.

    Nevertheless their endeavors were partially successful in cultivating some members but people overall today are just more educated and aware of how religious charlatans approach people in comparison to C T Russell's days.

  • berrygerry

    The communist decline is an interesting comparison.

    Even though communism proved to be a dismal failure, it had its share of die-hard supporters - hence, the Borg's decline, yet its subsistence.

  • Beth Sarim
    Beth Sarim
    There are sooooo many people in the Borg, say been in it for 45-50 plus years. No matter what happens to the Borg, they can never disclaim their beliefs because they had been told they were in the ''truth'' for so many decades. They've invested so many decades that they could never believe otherwise than what they've believed for decades.

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