Not on a WTS Cover - Famine Continues to Decline

by berrygerry 28 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • kaik

    The world is having actually opposite problem, which is increasing obesity. In developing world, it reaches dangerous proportions and often the poorest states on this planet suffer with the highest level of morbid obesity. While many are aware of obesity rate in USA, UK, Germany, it is actually far worse in Mexico, Bolivia, Paraguay, Venezuela, but also in Africa and Middle East. (Mali, Mauritania, Egypt, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia). In these countries people have as twice as much of caloric intake than industrial countries of the North. One main issue for the rise of obesity is a consumption of sugar, which became extremely cheap in past 25-35 years.

    Famine would return only if there is a catastrophic weather change world-wide, which would disrupt supplies everywhere. Today there is no problem to import fruits from Chile, vegetables from Spain, grain from USA and butter from Denmark anywhere in the world in case of localized food supply collapse.

  • Doug Mason
    Doug Mason

    In every century people have expected the final divine intervention to take place during their own lifetime. This includes the Essenes, Jesus, Paul, and the writer of Revelation. Read books such as "A History of the End of the World" by Jonathan Kirsch.

    Russell was a product of his time, which produced many other similar people, including Darby, Scofield, and Moody.

    As far as real statistics is concerned, see Pinker's book "The Better Angels of our Nature". He also appears on several YouTube presentations. See pages 53 ff of my Study at:


  • Mad Irishman
    Mad Irishman

    Tell that to the 20,000 kids who die a day from famine.

  • Doug Mason
    Doug Mason

    As a complete distraction from the theme of this thread - for which I apologise.

    Mention is made of "obesity". This is an illness that is not understood but where much interesting research is being conducted. One Study, for example, links the chemical BPA, a product that if often used on the thermal paper handed out at the checkout.

    Other factors include the study of epigenetics (possibly BPA is one factor), others are looking at it as an immune response.

    It's a serious illness.

    Again, apologies for the distraction.


  • Finkelstein

    The point being as long humanity has existed there has been famine.

    What the WTS will never come out and honestly reveal is that any countable increase has to be releated to the increase in the world's population.

    The other point being waiting for Yahweh to come to correct the problem of famine is futility useless.

    As others have mentioned there has been a percentage decrease in famine world wide in recent times.

  • Doug Mason
    Doug Mason

    Matt 24 says nothing about "increase", just that they continue to exist - and should be ignored. An evil generation looks for signs.

    In the Flood myth, people were going about their everyday normal affairs, completely unaware while Noah was busy.


  • steve2

    Until the middle of the 20th century, millions died of famine every decade — from 27 million in 1900-1909 and more than 15 million in the 1920s, 1940s, 1950s and 1960s to a low of 1.4 million in the 1990s. So far this century, the death toll is near 600,000.

    This excerpt from the article confounds JW end-times expectations even further: Note that the decade of worst numerical famine in the 20th Century was the pre-1914 decade, 1900-1909 in which 27,000,000 died of famine. Successive decades yielded fewer and fewer as they passed. Now, in the 20th Century, the span 2000-2014 has yielded a total of 600,000.

    Speaking of a post above which refers to the "epidemic" of obesity, in place of the Scripture "famines in one place after another", Scripture should now read, "Obesity epidemics in one place after another".

  • steve2

    Agree, Village idiot. It's incorrect to say these are not difficult times but while JWs sit around waiting for everyone to be destroyed, not lifting a finger to offer any practical help to heathens, human beings are trying to create better world conditions which is what people of God are called to do. its not Godly or Christian to sit around pointing out how bad the world is and doing nothing.

    Yes, so true! It is easy to misunderstand what this thread is stating (and convenient for JW lurkers to conclude).

    The main point is this: The narrow-minded JW claim this is a time of unprecedented signs the end is near. This mentality minimizes the epic tragedies in the pre-1914 period and looks for numbers, lists and event-records to support its focus on this period - to the exclusion of earlier times of heightened tragedy such as the 13th Century's Black Plague that decimated Europe's population.

  • Vidiot
    What steve2 just said.

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