There are people at the end of threads

by Brummie 42 Replies latest jw friends

  • SYN

    This is why I always try to be nice to people, although as most who've read even a fraction of my posts will understand, I do occasionally ruthlessly tear into silly doctrines, sometimes at great length

    YOUR servant, and a slave of Monica Bellucci,

  • obiwan

    Stinky, I don't think your doing it right, let Valis show you how it's done.

  • expatbrit
    and a slave of Monica Bellucci

    Bugger off, I saw her first.


  • AGuest

    You thought my words "silly"? Imagine that. And we wonder at the way folks treat each one another... to the detriment of many...

    A slave of Christ,


  • mouthy

    OH! What did I do???? Did I hurt someone??? You all know how Paraanoid I am....Was it me Brummie???Cant find the post your talking about DAH!!!!
    Brummie John called the other day asked it you ever got the tapes???

  • rocketman

    When in doubt give the benefit of the doubt. In fact, give it all the time.

  • Brummie

    Haha Mouthy! No dear, it wasnt you this time.

    I DID get the tapes but havent got Johns email address, could you let me have it please? I listened to the ones you mentioned, fantastic. Shirley story was very sad. Still have a few to get through.


  • mouthy

    What do you mean THIS time ????have I dont it before???? Oh when I do something wrong...If any of you love me Please tell me.. So I can correct it. I know I was VERY bad with the Venus Warmers. But If I hurt folks unitentionally ---Please straighten me out!!! ( walking out the door shaking my head thinking "now who did you hurt woman - well I wont worry about it today! I will worry again tomorrow. >you have e-mail Pete

  • Brummie

    Grace which email address did you send it too?

    Naah you aint a trouble maker mouthy, I was just pulling yer leg, cant imagine you in a flame war!


  • Robdar


    I have been very busy at the gallery and have missed the thread you are talking about--thank goodness. I used to think that posters were rude because they got carried away with emotion while trying to make a point. And that is sometimes exactly what it is.

    But I also think that some people are just mean spirited. But, I can't get angry with them. I just think about how miserable they are with their own existence and pity them. Can you imagine how miserable they must be? They are in their own hell of their own making. I guess I can't blame them for trying to claw their way out.


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