The dumbest thing I did as a witness

by Vivamus 53 Replies latest jw friends

  • asleif_dufansdottir

    I was telling hubby about all the Queen and Prince fans on this board. He laughed and said, "Yeah, that's what 'took us down'...the society was right. That bad music'll get ya!!"

    I prefer to think of it as your soul still liking what it likes, no matter what you try to do to it!

  • SpunkyChick

    I threw out allot of my music, as well as my brothers, I'm ashamed to admidt. I helped my mom smash his so-called satanic music and lectured him afterwards. Another embarressing moment was after moving, I mailed this girl who I was in astronomy class with, an Awake that was about astronomy.

  • JH

    I joined the org. although no one in family was there. I chose strangers over my family.

  • shera

    I threw out all my demon music

    I owned a white leather jacket with frindges on them...a 400.00 dollar coat.I cut the fringes off and stuck the coat in the closet.I still have the coat and I look at it like I was a fool.It was a" worldly" coat. Many clothes whet in the dump too....blahhh

    (editing because shera doesn't know how to spell today)

  • shera

    I did the same JH.....

  • JeffT

    I'm with JH, joining was the biggest mistake. Happily my family didn't disown me or anything.

    I threw out a lot of records, too. The ones that really get me was I had everything "King Crimson" had ever recorded (at least up to that time). It's hard to find now, and I haven't yet replaced it.

  • ikhandi

    Some days I regret I ever became a jw other days I just view it as a short part in the chapter of my life. Although I was a real pain in the behind in high school trying to sell awakes and watchtowers to kids in my class and starting impromtu studies at lunch.

  • hippikon
    And then.... I got involved in this cult known as the Jehovah's Witnesses and I got sucked in deep, and believed everything they said, including the multiple advises regarding music... And then I was discretely told that Queen was not appropriate music for a Witness. And I acted like a good witness and threw them all out. Yes, you read that correctly, I threw every album I owned in the garbage disposal bin...

    Me Too - I have also been bussy replacing the Music I tossed. Cost me a large fortune too. The thing that realy bugs me is some of the stuff I chucked out is very rare now.

    PS Anyone want to buy the collectors edition of kingdumb medlies

  • hippikon


    I Love King Crimson!

    What album are you looking for? I may be able to help!


  • Vivamus


    I was telling hubby about all the Queen and Prince fans on this board. He laughed and said, "Yeah, that's what 'took us down'...the society was right. That bad music'll get ya!!"
    LOL! Spunky, OMG! You threw out your brothers music too? He must have been furious! JH, Jeff, I know, we were blinded... Shera, Hippikon, remind yourself, you were not alone, shared misery is half the misery, lol... Ikhandi, yeah, I remember that too, during lunch hours trying to convert the fellow students, yuck!

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