Have you ever had your oven door explode?

by Ucantnome 38 Replies latest jw experiences

  • oppostate
    No ovens but I witnessed a newly remodeled KH front double glass door explode when the temperature difference inside the air-tight foyer made the glass buckle out and shatter into a million tiny flying pieces all over the entrance area.
  • rebel8

    Demonic Appliance Assessment Tool

    Was the oven purchased at a garage sale?

    Did the homeowners have backwards masking rock music records, wind chimes or Ouija in the house?

    Have you heard whispers at night that subsided when you called out to jehoohoo?

    Did the voices beg you to bake devil's food cake?

    Did the oven temperature setting dial get stuck on 666 degrees?

    Has an invisible force tried to have sex with you?

    If you answered "yes" to any of these questions, please contact the elders immediately for spiritual guidance.

  • WTWizard

    That happens when you get cheap crap. It can also happen if the glass has even a fine hairline crack, and you would not even see it. This happens if seemingly minor impacts happen to create invisible stress cracks within the glass, and then it blows without warning from thermal stress.

    As for cheap crap, Pyrex has been having this issue lately. They used to use good quality glass. Granted, it would break if dropped--as you would expect glass to do. But, it would hold up to heat. Now, they are slightly more resistant to breakage when dropped (though it will not do you any good if you drop it on a hard floor), at the expense of blowing up when under even mild thermal stress. This seems to happen everywhere--and I put at least part of the blame on the Walmart effect. You see, Walmart puts pressure on the manufacturers to cheap out on product. Cheap crap is the result, and all stores get stuck with this cheap crap.

    Your best option is to get an oven without a glass door. Yes, you will be unable to see inside it. But, metal cannot blow up from thermal stress. If you already have a glass window on your oven door, do everything to avoid slamming that door or letting items slam into it. Even a light tap from a hard object can create a microscopic stress crack that could, upon addition of thermal stress, create a mess. And, it goes without saying, you should avoid Walmart at all costs if it is at all possible. Why reward them for putting pressure on manufacturers to give us all cheap crap?

  • FayeDunaway
    Rebel8 you are fabulous
  • ozbrad
    Yep it happened to me. Scared the daylights out of me.
  • talesin

    My microwave exploded about 3 years ago.

    May I just say that DANBY makes really cheap appliances, and as a review : don't buy their product! Nuff said.

    I would be to 'die' to have an awesome propane stove. *sigh*

    :) Oh, I no longer have a microwave. I steam my veggies the old-fashioned way. ; )

    About 10 years ago, I *did* get a burn from my stove. Electric, 220 wiring, it was not working right. When cleaning it, I got a shock and burnt my belly. FINALLY, the slumlord had a small appliance man out, and he said ' lucky that's all you got '...........sheesh. Yeah, be careful .. when they get old and shorting out, can be VERY dangerous! xx

  • username

    I really did think this was an innuendo type comment for some reason haha

  • punkofnice
    Sounds grim. I know someone that had a chicken explode in the oven when they opened the door. The chicken went whizzing past them.
  • honest


    It happens to a lot of people. Bloody demons get blamed for alot when they are innocent 😂

  • Cangie
    Wow! I'm glad you are ok. I have never heard of this happening before...I didn't know it was possible. (I have a cheap apartment stove without a glass window, so I am not used to "new-fangled" fancy appliances.) lol

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