Lloyd Evans removing comments he does not like, just like the cult

by mickbobcat 37 Replies latest social current


    Virtue signaling isn’t an opinion, it’s cowardice.


  • Jeffro

    You can call a position you disagree with ‘virtue signaling’ and call that thing ‘cowardice’ if you want, but it doesn’t change the fact that it really is just an opinion. Back in reality, Dawkins’ opinions about transsexuals (expressed on Twitter 🤦‍♂️), and Evans’ views thereof, are irrelevant tangents from Dawkins expertise as a biologist. But by all means keep yelling into the wind about how you don’t like Evans’ opinions about stuff.

  • Jeffro

    Dawkins has commented that chromosomal gender remains fixed, which is true, and is the cherry-picked part that conservatives latch onto in their opposition to “trannys” (as described earlier in this thread), but those people tend to ignore that Dawkins also said he would still refer to a person as their preferred gender ‘identity’ out of courtesy, which many of the right-wingers would refuse to do on ‘principle’. Very few of the people who express strong opinions about transsexuals are actually affected by them in any way, and as is usually the case, the positions of the ultra left and ultra right groups on the whole issue are emotive, noisy, and a bit dim.

    Evans briefly alluded to Dawkins’ comments to address the fact that it would be erroneous to dismiss Dawkins as an evolutionary biologists on the basis that he said something on Twitter that was poorly received.

    It’s really strange that people who already don’t like Evans are ‘shocked’ when Evans says something they disagree with, and stranger still that they’re still listening to him.

  • LoveUniHateExams

    Dawkins’ opinions about transsexuals (expressed on Twitter 🤦‍♂️), and Evans’ views thereof, are irrelevant tangents from Dawkins expertise as a biologist - utter nonsense.

    Dawkins, is indeed, an expert on biology. And biology is intimately connected to gender.

    The vast majority of women are cisgender, i.e. the vast majority of human biological females are women.

    Dawkins knows whereof he speaks. Trans activists have a dubious relationship with scientific reality.

  • Jeffro
    No, try to pay attention. The context of the main point in Evans’ rebuttal is about Dawkins as an evolutionary biologist specifically addressing evolution of eyes and flight, for which his views expressed on Twitter about transsexuals and associated ‘controversy’ are indeed an irrelevant tangent. But nice try attempting to make it look like I meant that ‘gender is irrelevant to biology’. 🙄🤦‍♂️
  • mickbobcat

    You can call a pig a dog but its still a pig. There are two genders period. You can feel you ID with what ever you want. But in the end you are a male or female. There is nothing but a mental disorder and Gender dysphoria is a real mental issue. Gender is a biological issue. The freaks have turned it into a mental issue. Gender is not mental. What you feel is not relevant to what you are. One may feel they are super human but they are not. They have a mental disorder. A very few humans are born with male and female genitalia this is a defect, a deformation, much like conjoined twins. To change the meanings of words based on someones feelings or a defect is insane but the left is insane.

  • LoveUniHateExams

    Dawkins has commented that chromosomal gender remains fixed, which is true - it's also the most important part.

    Chromosomal make up is biological sex. And humans are a sexually-reproducing species.

    Dawkins also said he would still refer to a person as their preferred gender ‘identity’ out of courtesy - that's fine, but I wonder how Dawkins feels about the other 99 made-up, bullshit genders? Whatever, Dawkins is free to do that, and other people are free to say that they believe trans women aren't women, and to use whatever pronouns they wish.

    NB - the social games humans play are a two-way street.

  • mickbobcat

    There is a push by the insane left to push kids who are not of age into one category or another. This is just to bolster the freaks who want to have their fetish normalized. Kids don't know who they are from day to day. So this push to be gay or trans is just the left trying to normalize their fetish. I have no idea what the hell kind of idiot kool aid the left is drinking but its been going on for many years. They have always been soft on crime, I.E its not the fault of the black criminal its the guns fault, or mama sat them backwards on the toilet seat so its not their fault. They make victims out of criminals and criminals out of victims. They think by throwing money at those who will not work is an answer but its never worked. Just look at the Pruitt Igoe complex. thirty three eleven story buildings put in for the poor to live in. Within twenty years the place looked like Beirut. Windows broken out, elevators used as toilets, burnt out cars ect. It was all blown up in the early 70s due to it being not repairable. The animals destroyed it. Did the liberal idiots learn? No they said they needed more money to make it work. Its always more money. Tax those who get up and go to work every day and give it to the bums. Its all to get votes from the bums, criminals and the worthless drug addicts.

  • Jeffro

    Omg you people are still yabbering on about trans issues. Evans referred to Dawkins in reference to his expertise as an evolutionary biologist in relation to evolution of flight and eyes, with a minor tangent about Dawkins comments about trans people. The horse is dead.

  • Jeffro


    Dawkins has commented that chromosomal gender remains fixed, which is true - it's also the most important part.
    No, it’s not the most important part. It’s not remotely relevant to the evolution of eyes or flight.
    Dawkins is free to do that, and other people are free to say that they believe trans women aren't women, and to use whatever pronouns they wish.

    Now you’re getting it. And some guy with a YouTube channel can manage his content and comments feed however he likes. Unless you’re suggesting that he violated YouTube terms of service, there’s really no valid objection.

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