Update on my Heart condition

by wednesday 23 Replies latest watchtower medical

  • wednesday

    hi all. i just got out of the hospital, and have some news on my heart condition.

    I have apparently had hypertension for some time and it had caused a slight thickening of my heart. It makes the heart stiff and causes it to work harder. I have what is called diastolic dsyfunction, where the heart is not resitng between beats. This is leading to an accumalation of fluid in my legs and feet. There is no cure, i can only control my b/p and lose weight and watch salt. Also fat content. They also discovered i did not have coranry artery blockage, thank goodness for that. The cause of my chest pains is esopheageal spasms. I have something called bile gastritis. No caffeine for me.This is congestive heart failure, but in very eary stages.

    So just about elimnates my entiere diet. But i am so grateful ther is no blockage in the cornary arteries. No I have to also work on not getting so angry and being a type "A" personality, well it will not be easy.

    just wanted to update u guys. apparently i will live, but i am sad i did not catch thys hypertension befero it did damage to my heart.


  • rocketman

    Hi wednesday,

    Thank you for updating us. It looks like some good news and some bad news. I'm glad there are no blockages, but yes, you've got some real concerns there. I wish you all the best!!

  • outnfree

    Glad to hear it's something that can be controlled by diet and weight loss. If your arteries are clear, no reason why you shouldn't be posting here for a long, long, time.

    (Hmmmmmm, did that just add stress to your life or relieve some? lol)


  • shamus

    Glad to hear that it is not heart failure!

    From here on in, the ball is in your court. You need to do everything that you can to keep your diet, and not stray. Easier said than done!

    Check out the web, and see what people whom have what you have feel - this can alleviate a lot of worry, and will no doubt show you that this is not a death sentence, not even close!

  • Uzzah


    News like that is bitter sweet. It is a relief to at least know what it is that is bothering you. At least now you can take the right steps in controlling it.

    Something you might want to bounce off your cardiologist is a rare condition. What triggered it is when you spoke of your heart thickening. If it is the wall of the heart muscle itself, recent studies have shown that it can be an inherited condition.

    Dr Anne Woo at Mount Sinai Hospital in Toronto is one of the leading cardiologists in the country and she is studying this exact condition. I have her contact information at home and would be happy to forward it to you. I am sure she wouldn't mind a telephone consult with your doctor to discuss her findings. The best part is that she has been successfully treating this condition.

    It might be worth investigation. My email (Remove the capital letters - SPAM) is shown below. Feel free to contact me by pm here or at the email address if you want the contact info.

    [email protected]

  • SheilaM


    I am glad you found out he problem, now just work on correcting it as best you can. Take care of yourself and "no worries man" remember that.

  • Dansk


    Sorry to learn of your heart condition – but now you know what it is you can take steps to get back to a healthy life.

    We’re all glad to know you’re on the mend.

    Love and best wishes,


  • cruzanheart

    It's good to hear from you! Sounds like you and broccoli are going to become REALLY good friends. I think you will learn to love your new diet, and will feel better. I'll try to think of some tasty recipes.


  • blondie

    Glad to hear things have stabilized, wednesday. Irreverent is having to make major changes in his diet too. Want to exchange recipes and any tips we get? I have adjusted my diet to his.



    Wednesday, it's good to see you are actively involved in the on-going care of your heart and yourself.

    Good to know. One can always learn a thing or two.

    I'm glad to know that you are on the road to recovery. It's amazing what can be found out these days through modern medicine.

    Look after yourself, and of course, best wishes to you, always.

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