JW's and Mormons (**again!**)

by figureheaduk 15 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • figureheaduk

    Really sorry about this!

    A few days back I started a thread called "JW's and Mormons", which seemed to get a few replies. However, whenever I tried to open the thread I kept getting one of those horrible "Error" screens that seemed to have been plaguing the forum recently. Now it seems as if the thread has gone for good.

    The original questions I asked were along the lines of

    "Apart from the obvious things like springing up from the USA in the 19th century, going door-to-door to try and gain new converts, claiming to be the only true religion etc, does anybody know of any other intersting similarities between the JW and Mormon faiths?"


    "Have any ex-JW's here ever had any interesting doorstep conversations with Mormons? Either while out in service spreading the Watchtower's false prophecies, lies and hatred, erm, Good news, or while on the receiving end of an uninvited visit from the Church of Latter Day Saints"

    If you have answered before, and would happily be willing to reply again, I'd be most grateful!



  • hooberus

    Both faiths teach that God the Father can only be in one place at a time. They have even selected specific locations in the Galaxy where they live.

    JW - the star Alcyone in the Pleaides star cluster

    Mormon- a planet near the star Kolob

  • Double Edge
    Double Edge

    I have several Morman friends and have attended their church services. I've never been a JW, only have a close friend who is one as well as being a member of this board for a couple of years. From my experience their are a few similarities between the two religions but many, many differences.

    Similarities: preach door-to-door, have an administrative hierarchy.... JW's- Brooklyn; Mormans - Salt Lake City. Mormans don't believe in a literal hell, only as a separation from God (I don't think JW's believe in a literal hell)

    Differences: Mormans believe that Jesus is the Son of God, the Saviour and not just another 'creature' (or Michael, the Archangel); Mormans believe that Salvation comes through Christ; Mormans take communion weekly (everyone, not just the annointed once a year); Mormans believe that people have souls, that the body dies, but the soul lives on at the moment of physical death - unlike JW's 'sleep' at death; Mormans are very family oriented, would never shun anyone, much less a member of their family. In fact, one of my Morman friends was disfellowshipped for a few years....no one ever shunned them. They eventually got back in their religion with the help of their congregation.

    There are many, many differences - but for the most part, having friends in both religions, I noticed the Mormans are 'positive' and fun to be around, while my JW friend is a lot more 'negative' and will shut me off if the subject of religion ever comes up that disagrees with what they believe. It's a real drag sometimes being around someone who always sees the glass as 'half empty'.

  • DJ

    I spoke with Mormons a few times at my door. They obviously have a set way to convert people.like the jw's do. One of the guys was definately the leader of the group who proceeded to try to stack 12 playing cards on my coffee table to tell me that they were like the 12 apostles and.......(the cards kept falling down)lol. They have to wear suits and they have to convert people. They have rules like the jw's that are not biblical. The have a different book called the Book of Mormon like the jw's have their books which are needed in order to have the proper info..

  • refiners fire
  • refiners fire
  • figureheaduk

    Thanks Refiners Fire

    Very interesting (as always!)

  • caligirl

    Check out www.exmormon.org. Your questions prompted me to take a look around, and though I knew there were similarities between the two, a quick perusal of exmormon.org showed extreme similarities between the two.

  • bebu

    I've had some interesting experiences talking with Mormons. Recently I lent 2 missionaries a book of the facsimiles taken from the Pearl of Great Price, which has 'new scripture' in it. The Book of Abraham shows immediately that ol' Joseph Smith was a very cunning and deceitful guy.

    Joseph Smith bought some papyrii excavated from Egypt from someone passing thru his area. He declared that they were actual autobiographical writings from Abraham! No one knew Egyptian back then, as the Rosetta stone was not yet discovered. So no one was able to disprove his claim.

    Then, when the Rosetta stone was discovered a number of years ago, the original papyrii were not available to check the translation. However, the Smithsonian discovered the originals in their storage area (in the 1970s I think), and returned it to the church--and Egyptologists have unanimously rejected Smith's translation. The Book of Abraham is a copy of a funeral rites text, commonly buried with mummies. More than one Mormon has left the church on account of this exposure--and these days, the Mormons barely pay attention to this book, in order to avoid troubles in their ranks.

    Both Joseph Smith and CT Russel were masons-- the Mormon temple rite is actually almost verbatim the same as masonic temple rite.

    Smith enjoyed giving talks on everything. He was quoted as saying that the moon was inhabited by folks who dressed like Quakers, and were about 6 feet tall.

    Smith was a womanizer, too. Before the everlasting covenant of plural marriage came out (and lasted only 50 years!), Smith had been secretly seducing several women, married and single, telling them that God had given him the word that they were his wife for eternity, so relations were ok. Compare Russell.

    Smith's wife, like Russell's wife, got aggravated at her husband's enormous ego. There were spats.

    There was a big power struggle after the death of Joseph Smith.

    Mormons and JWs avoid the message in the Bible by different methods. JWs just mistranslate the Bible to say what they want it to say; Mormons say the Bible was corrupted, and Smith is God's prophet, restoring the 'lost' gospel.

    Mormons are told to avoid independent thinking. They are warned against reading materials by their apostates (or any one else; this is 'persecution').

    There are lots of similarities in changes of doctrines (e.g., "Adam is God", espoused by Brigham Young; quietly reversed later on...).

    With all these troubles, their ace in the hole is "the burning bosom". This clutching at a warm feeling of certainty is what their testimony stands on, even when all else fails.

    But my sister-in-law, her husband, and their 4 kids all came out of the Mormon church after 24 years in it. So, even her burning bosom couldn't withstand the proof that hit her hard on the web.

    This internet is a pretty good thing, just for her sake alone.


  • Ravyn

    because my husband had been baptized Mormon as a child(during a time when his parents were experimenting outside the roman catholic church) we went to a LDS bishop once when we were having marriage problems. I studied their 6 lessons and was baptized, at the time thinking I was collecting baptisms just incase one of them might work...

    I really liked the people. We got to the point of being able to go to the Temple, but we moved and did not make it before we got bored with the diet restrictions and faded away. I wish I had gone to the Temple. I liked their New Ageyness and their spirtualistic weirdness. If they could have just gone with that instead of getting Jesus all mixed up in it--they would have had something unique. I think Brigham Young was to Joseph Smith what Rutherford was to Russell. Smith and Russell may have had a personal revelation, but Young and Rutherford turned it into big business and ruined it.


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