by RULES & REGULATIONS 39 Replies latest watchtower bible



    “You must pay your vows to Jehovah.”—MATT. 5:33.

    * To all intents and purposes, he presented himself as one who was wholly dedicated to God. He will be accountable before Jehovah and the congregation for any serious sins that he may commit. (Rom. 14:12) May it never be said of us that ‘we left the love we had at first.’ Instead, we want Jesus to be able to say of us: “I know your deeds, and your love and faith and ministry and endurance, and that your deeds of late are more than those you did at first.” (Rev. 2:4, 19) May we zealously continue to live up to our dedication vow—to Jehovah’s delight.
    13 There is no way to undo a dedication vow, taking back what we promised God. If a person tires of serving Jehovah or of living a Christian way of life, he cannot claim that he was never really dedicated and that his baptism was invalid.

    This paragraph really sums up the whole Watchtower study.It states that once you dedicate yourself in baptism,the Watchtower Society owns you for the rest of your life.You cannot undo your baptism!

    This paragraph uses Romans 14:7-12 to justify lies that the Society uses to scare every baptized member.They imply that you will be accountable to Jehovah and the congregation for any serious sins.Let's read Rom.14:7-12 and see what it really says and means.

    7For we don’t live for ourselves or die for ourselves. 8If we live, it’s to honor the Lord. And if we die, it’s to honor the Lord. So whether we live or die, we belong to the Lord. 9Christ died and rose again for this very purpose—to be Lord both of the living and of the dead.
    10So why do you condemn another believer? Why do you look down on another believer? Remember, we will all stand before the judgment seat of God. 11For the Scriptures say,
    “‘As surely as I live,’ says the lord,
    ‘every knee will bend to me,
    and every tongue will declare allegiance to God.’”
    12Yes, each of us will give a personal account to God. 13So let’s stop condemning each other. Decide instead to live in such a way that you will not cause another believer to stumble and fall.
  • sir82

    WT study articles are not just dreamed up. They are always in reaction to something.

    It is evident that the WT is getting lots of reports from COs regarding people who claim they were baptized out of peer pressure, or parental pressure, and never really "made a dedication", and thus argue that they should not be subject to the effects of being disfellowshipped.

    The WT is making it quite clear - that argument just won't fly.

    Lurking teens - if you are not yet baptized, and recognize that "the truth" isn't true, heed this WT article. If you don't want to be shunned by your family, avoid baptism at all costs.

  • paladin1

    The WT$ is a joke and a fraud. It seems the Watchtower Society has nothing good to say about most subjects but applies fear, obligation and gilt on the rank and file members.


    sir82 said:Lurking teens - if you are not yet baptized, and recognize that "the truth" isn't true, heed this WT article. If you don't want to be shunned by your family, avoid baptism at all costs.

    Sir 82: You were a former elder if my memory serves me right.Don't you think that this is the real reason the Society want young children and teens to get baptized so young?They want to control them if there are any normal teen problems and kick them out so the Society can supersede the parents?

  • sir82

    Don't you think that this is the real reason the Society want young children and teens to get baptized so young?


    WT leadership is drunk on power. Realizing that people "love" and fear them even over and above their own families, that parents will reject their own children (or vice versa) out of loyalty to the "magnificent GB 7", is a pure heroin rush for them.

    They use fear of such an outcome (having to reject one's family) to maintain their emotional control.

    Why do you think there have been so many illustrations in WT study articles of late, showing weeping & distraught parents huddling together helplessly while their recently DF'ed son or daughter walks out the door of their family home? "Here is the expected outcome, worse than death, if you fail to obey us".


    There is no way to undo a dedication vow, taking back what we promised God. If a person tires of serving Jehovah or of living a Christian way of life, he cannot claim that he was never really dedicated and that his baptism was invalid.

    So many written and unwritten rules in the WBT$/JW Cult..

    Watchtower never prints the entire message/threat,so I`ll help..

    Image result for small arrow pointing down

    Try to leave and we will do everything in our power,to destroy your life..



    3 There is no way to undo a dedication vow, taking back what we promised God. If a person tires of serving Jehovah or of living a Christian way of life, he cannot claim that he was never really dedicated and that his baptism was invalid. * To all intents and purposes, he presented himself as one who was wholly dedicated to God. He will be accountable before Jehovah and the congregation for any serious sins that he may commit. (Rom. 14:12) May it never be said of us that ‘we left the love we had at first.’ Instead, we want Jesus to be able to say of us: “I know your deeds, and your love and faith and ministry and endurance, and that your deeds of late are more than those you did at first.” (Rev. 2:4, 19) May we zealously continue to live up to our dedication vow—to Jehovah’s delight.

  • sparrowdown

    So they finally admit they are a captive organization just as Angus Stewart asked at the ARC. Once you become a JW you can check out but you can never leave.

  • pale.emperor

    Hmmm... but remember folks, for those who still believe the bible if you were baptized as a JW you were never baptized in the name of the Father the son and the holy spirit as Jesus commanded (Matthew 28:19). (or if you're a hardball Trinitarian, simply in Jesus name). You were baptized in the name of the Father, the son and - gods spirit directed organization. So that baptism don't mean shit.

  • Pete Zahut
    Pete Zahut

    "13 There is no way to undo a dedication vow, taking back what we promised God. If a person tires of serving Jehovah or of living a Christian way of life, he cannot claim that he was never really dedicated and that his baptism was invalid."

    There are two different things mentioned here: "Tires of serving Jehovah" or "Tires of living a Christian way of life."

    Leaving the Organization doesn't necessarily mean one wouldn't continue living a "Christian" way of life. If a person dedicates his or her life based upon what they learn from studying JW literature and later those teachings are changed because they were wrong, then one could say that their dedication wasn't based upon accurate knowledge..

    Even the 2 questions they asked me on the day I was baptized have since been changed. To me, the fact that these questions needed to be changed, indicates that what I originally agreed to or acknowledged at my baptism, was incorrect for some reason.

    Besides all of the above, each Kingdom Hall is dedicated to Jehovah when it first opened for use and as we all know many of those "dedicated" Halls have been sold off. Apparently it is possible to un-do a dedication to Jehovah so long as there's profit involved.

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