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Praise for watchtower
by wannaexit 26 Replies latest jw friends
Beth Sarim
If you haven't already read Ray Franz's 'Crisis of Conscience' you will realize the Borg is no different than any other lying organization. This book is now readily available on amazon or kindle to be read privately on your mobile device.
"Crisis of Conscience" is one of the first publications I read after getting disfellowshipped.π I also read "New Boy" by Keith Caserona (although I skipped quickly over some parts) and I read J.J. Ross' "Some Facts and More Facts about Charles Taze Russell" and lots of stuff on Barbara Anderson's site "watchtowerdocuments" and Bill Bowen's stuff on "SilentLambs".
All the lying organizations will be destroyed in time. Jehovah's name guarantees it. He is the God of Truth and "He Causes To Become."
"We don't shun," Hendriks said. "Shunning would be cutting somebody off and pretending they don't exist. That's just not the case."
I met Robert Hendriks outside a convention four months ago. He was pleasant enough when he thought I was a JW in "good standing". He had a friend take a picture of me and my kids with him and his wife. (I try to not be prejudiced, and I don't believe in the disfellowshipping doctrine, so when I saw him, I talked to him because I recognized him from pictures on exjwreddit. The elders at the convention wouldn't talk to me because they knew I was disfellowshipped, but Robert Hendriks didn't know.) He gave me his cell phone number. He texted back and forth with me and told me my kids and I were good examples.
But when I disclosed via text later on that I was disfellowshipped by corrupt elders for telling on abuse, everything changed. After asking me not to share his phone number he didn't ask me if he could help with anything. He didn't ask if I was okay. He didn't say he was sorry the organization was so mean. He told me that I "could come back to Jehovah" but I told him I never left Jehovah. (I left the GB because they are apostates, because they were willing to let bad guys hurt the sheep and they wanted to cull me out for telling on wolves.) I was the same person before and after Robert Hendriks knew I was "disfellowshipped". But his prejudices and indoctrination made him act like a Pharisee. To him, I went from being "a good example" to being mentally diseased and worthy of everlasting death just because of a manmade label that's not even in the Bible.
These PID guys are indoctrinated to think the GB=Jehovah, when the GB are actually opposing Jehovah. They shun Jehovah's sheep instead of shunning the wolves. They praise the Watchtower idol instead of praising Jehovah. It's gross. I feel bad for them. They're mentally diseased because of the WTBT$ teachings.
Beth Sarim
Another fabulous read by Mr Ray Franz is ""In Search of Christian Freedom"".
Now this book is also under the copyright of Mrs Deb Dykstra like 'Crisis of Conscience' is.
ISOCF book has not been re-released yet.
When CoC was released in 2018 she said she would release ISOCF again,,,that was over 5 years ago.
Lets hope Mrs Dykstras health is ok. She did say she was having health issues back then
Beth Sarim
Lying == equates==theocratic warfare==
I looked over "In Search of Christian Freedom" before but I wasn't as interested in it as I was in "Crisis of Conscience". What I appreciated about "Crisis of Conscience" was the exposing of the behind-the-scenes on the GB as well as the way his disfellowshipping went. Mine was similar, where the elders were sketchy, so that resounded with me. Also, his attitude of being sorry about the way his decisions as a GB member affected people, that helped me heal from the nasty way the GB treated me. (I wrote to the GB and 50 "high-profile" members of Bethel repeatedly before and after my disfellowshipping without response.)
Before I was baptized as one of Jehovah's Witnesses I went to school for archaeology/anthropology, so I did not find Ray's information on the Flood to be accurate, since in my experience the geology and archaeology scholars are not trustworthy any more than the GB is trustworthy. "Publish or perish". Publish=$$$, whether it's religious magazines or evolutionary theories in "scientific" literature and grant requests. From the evidence I saw in both shovel-testing and in research, the Bible account of the Flood is trustworthy. I also found from my own personal studies that the evolution teaching is a bunch of trash.
As regards the 1914 thing, the reason I know the WTBT$ doctrine is a bunch of bunk isn't because of the scholars as regards dating, but because chapter four of Daniel has absolutely no indication of a future fulfillment.
Anyway, that's neither here nor there. This is the place I found "Crisis of Conscience" (it also has "In Search of Christian Freedom" there) online...
I skimmed over some of the other essays and books on that site, but I didn't find them as interesting. The "Gentile Times" teaching is a holdover from apostasy in the Jewish faith. Jesus didn't come in the first century or in 1914. I think it's funny that people write books and books when you can just look around and know obviously Jesus isn't in Kingdom power yet, but, whatever, people can believe what they want.
The PID believes that the GB has power and authority because of that 1914 trash, but they'll soon see that Jesus doesn't approve of the WTBT$, or any of the clergy people who lord it over others in a naughty way. When Jesus is actually enthroned in heaven, the Bible makes clear that one of the first things he'll do is wipe the earth clean of all the fraudulent religious leaders and their bogus organizations that reproach God's name and take advantage of people. Then there will be 3 1/2 years without religious institutions around where the UN gets a chance to try their hand at world domination. Then God will say "enough!" and things will get better. Jehovah told the finale from the beginning. We're just hanging in there for the ride.