The Saddest Thing About Tony Morris's Removal

by NotFormer 28 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • NotFormer

    I've mentioned before how I've wondered how Tony Morris must have felt when he was sacked. Yes, I know he's a rehensible human being who got served a healthy dose of karma, or, if you like, divine judgement. To go from having all there is to have within the world he lived in, to where he is now; that's a long fall. How must he feel?

    The saddest takeaway from this IMO: he had no friends. Those of the GB who sat on the board with him? They unanimously voted to oust him from his lofty position among them, with none of them saying, "Hey, wait a minute, this is Tony; he's our mate!"

    I wonder what he did to "deserve" this, in the eyes of his fellow travellers. Was he really any worse than the other board members?

  • Vanderhoven7

    Being put down a peg should be a humbling experience for him, I'm sure.

    But remember, he has a nice home to live in and family, I.e., a wife and sons to support him and I'm sure his physical needs are met by the WTS. And I'm sure also that he and his wife can afford more of that expensive enjoy in retirement.

  • Beth Sarim
    Beth Sarim

    Tony has been given a lot more than when our Raymond Franz got kicked out.

    Perhaps Tony really knows where the skeletons are burried so to speak.

    And giving Tony this deal is to sweeten the deal to keep him quiet..

    In Ray Franz case,, there was no such sweet deal,, of course NOT!!

  • ExBethelitenowPIMA

    It’s astounding that this has been kept hushed up for so long now, I mean does he go to meetings at all? If so why has nobody secretly recorded him? It is known where he lives and Serina Veryalomo went to his congregation.

    There must be so much effort put into this, hushi money ect. It annoys me no end the way the Borg thinks it can just ignore problems so that rank and file wont ask questions.

    The truth or at least some of it has to come out sooner or later.

    why does nobody else go to that congregation and try to film or record Tony?

  • NotFormer

    ExBethelitenowPIMA: This, completely! Usually WT secrets are eventually shouted from the housetops. That they've kept the lid so tightly on the Tony Morris issue is impressive, to say the least. Perhaps his congregation has been offered various threats and incentives to keep things quiet. And outsiders (people from other congregations) being shooed away (perhaps by security). I suppose the issue is so sensitive that anyone in the know will be afraid to leak because such leaks would be traceable. This doesn't seem to be the run of the mill open secret that everyone in Bethel knows. I imagine that, whatever happened, this event is heavily lawyered, and a lot of NDAs are involved.

    What the heck did he do??

  • stan livedeath
    stan livedeath

    Tony who ?

  • BluesBrother

    And you know all this ? How ?

    All I can say that I really know is that AM3 is no longer on the Gov. Body and his talk videos have been talken down. The rest is speculation, although I admit that it looks like a removal- but I have no facts

  • markweatherill
    NotFormer2 hours ago

    What the heck did he do??

    Since his departure, there have been some radical changes in doctrine and policy that I think Tony Morris would never have approved of. He was standing in the way of Jehovah's chariot and got run over, so to speak.

  • TonusOH

    If his exit from the GB had anything to do with the recent changes in doctrine and policy, it well may be that he chose to step away rather than start a messy fight. His comfy arrangements might be less about keeping him quiet and more about being grateful that he chose not to create a PR headache for the rest of them.

    But, as others are saying, until we find out what actually happened, it's just more guesswork. I'm impressed that they've kept it under wraps this long.

  • Vidiot
    markweatherill - “…Since his departure, there have been some radical changes in doctrine and policy that I think Tony Morris would never have approved of…”


    Putting one of the Old Guard out to pasture to secure the two-thirds majority vote needed for a significant course change makes the most sense.

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