An upcoming Watchtower article saying if people Pioneer Jehovah will provide!

by LongHairGal 33 Replies latest jw friends

  • nowwhat?

    A brilliant brother quit college. He was studying to be an astro physicist. Went to pioneering. Then invited to bethel. Because he was so talented. They gave him more and more responsibility. Until finally he had a nervous breakdown. Lived out the rest of his life in a trailer, with his aged mother and then his brother. And his brother had to take care of him until he died because of Alzheimer's. Yes brothers what a fine example of how Jehovah rewards his faithful ones that put service to him first in their life! But wait there's more! Another brother got a degree in engineering went to bethel instead. After 30 years got shown the door. Now him and his wife live in an in-laws suite. While he works a menial job. Both from my congregation!

  • Foolednomore

    Atlantis- this is my thoughts on Watchtower too. Geehovah provides, and that miracle money will show up.

    Keep warm and well fed!

  • waton

    wt has been very adept to use "satan's" system to further its ends, taxfree, subsidies, freedom laws; now the internet.

    With many countries eyeing guaranteed income, and through various means effectively providing it now, especially for the elderly, newcomers,

    i is quite possible to live a "pioneer's life", in many places. ( but what would you actually do, accomplish?) and

    "satan" can argue for an extension of his term, or overlapping termination dates, for providing so generously to the universal sovereignty issue.

  • skin

    How many talks a year do we hear from elders telling us to simplify our life's, reduce work hours, get a part time job, go pioneering etc. And there are always those poorer ones in the congregations that follow that wonderful advice each year, going that step further, thinking they are being faithful to God. What happens when these poor ones go to far, and get themselves into financial problems. We get a special talk, thats right, a special talk on how not to be shocked when we hear about our brothers having financial issues, because we are living Satans world, and we are in the last days. So Satan gets blamed for their money issues. Thats right, when following the wonderfull advice of WT fails, its easy to blame Satan.

  • truth_b_known

    It was always my personal observation as a former JW from ages birth to 35 that the "poorer ones" in the organization were what could be described as "spiritual minded" and "loyal to Jehovah". Whereas those who were more well off financially tended to be more "organizationally minded" and "loyal to the organization".

    I never met a poor elder in all my years as a JW.

  • hoser

    It costs a lot of money to be spiritual in the Jehovah’s Witness religion. That’s why prominent elders need to be rich.

  • LongHairGal


    Much of what you say could probably be true in a few instances.

    Some JWs MIGHT be poor even if they were in another religion..It is also true that hard work, financial sense and planning are not the ‘forte’ of everybody..However, you are ignoring the fact that the Witness religion encourages this ignorance to a large degree! Also, by social isolation the JWs don’t get to pick up on certain practical knowledge that other people acquire at early ages.

    I was not raised a JW and had to learn financial sense and planning. It certainly was not my natural ‘forte’.🙄

    The Witnesses demonize college and careers. You are also ignoring that they engender hateful attitudes in the congregation and cause people to be shunned or not invited. This is not benign or harmless..I was Catholic and didn’t experience this..Sorry to tell you but the JWs look far worse than the other religions of Christendom.

    And, lastly, the part about OTHER people in congregations being hit up for money for people who don’t want to work is exactly what’s happening in the JWs..I don’t believe this would be viewed favorably in other religions! This is being needy because of laziness or stupidity - not because of hardship or tragedy!

    In fact, the priest would give a sermon from the pulpit telling people they should look for work. Even Jesus’s followers had occupations and supported themselves!

  • Foolednomore

    Longhairgal- This is So true with Jw's. They feel that Geehovah will rain miracle money or the " Brothers " owe them one for just being there. Which is a load of crap. They need to learn to support themselves like everyone else. An charity only to those who really need it.

  • skin
    I never met a poor elder in all my years as a JW

    I thought I knew a poor elder, then this elder and his family were absent from our meetings for a few weeks, so I asked about how they were doing. Only to be told that they were on an overseas family holiday.

  • Atlantis

    If Jehovah will cause miracles and provide, then why didn't he provide protection from the COVID-19 virus, that killed over 20,000 JW's?

    One Watchtower President said: "I made an ass out of myself"! (Rutherford)

    That is exactly what JW's will make out of themselves if they follow the Tower!


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