Inside the new style Kingdom Halls - photos

by darkspilver 63 Replies latest members private

  • under the radar
    under the radar

    Isn't there supposed to be an altar before the JW-dot-org monolith where one can sacrifice one's firstborn male child or other "valuable things"?

    "Would that not be convenient, Brothers? How loving it is for the Governing Body to provide for us so thoughtfully! Let us bow towards Warwick as we prayerfully thank them for their benevolence."

  • Muddy Waters
    Muddy Waters

    Wow, they sure do love their new rebranded image and logo. Blessed simplification!!

    All hail JW-dot-org!! - the only true source of enlightenment! - brought to you by (presently) seven men in New York!

    And don't forget, "This good news of the [website] will be preached in all the earth...!!!"

  • Hoffnung

    They make quite visible with such a sober set up that the blessing of god has left the group. The witnesses always looked down upon churchgoers for not wearing their best cloths when worshiping god. Now the witnesses cannot bring up the finances any more to have at least a hall that has at least some decoration... it is indeed a sick animal they are bringing to the altar. All the while wondering why less and less people are coming. A religion on their path of implosion

  • Mephis

    How perfectly horrid. At least those by the fire exit will have somewhere to daydream out of. Until the local elders or CO figure that out and put curtains on it. The mirrors to give the illusion of space are telling in themselves.

    It's not too far removed from KHs in Britain I knew when growing up though. Chairs look comfier for certain. There's always been a tendency to strip out any character to a building they occupy. They'd be just as happy in a community centre hall paying by the hour. No cleaning rota in them.

    But, yes...

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