Inside the new style Kingdom Halls - photos

by darkspilver 63 Replies latest members private

  • freddo

    "They've" recently done a refurbishment to a KH in the south-west of England. This was a "nice" hall last done in the late 1980's / early 1990's by the two congregations sharing and it was so well done it was the go to hall for elder schools, pioneer schools and the like. A circuit flagship hall.

    It (unusually for the UK) had air-conditioning with chillers, nice seats and a raised section of platform for the sisters talks and sitting down school overseer (remember that little fad?)

    So what has happened in the great refurb? Like Slidin Fast says - it's a shed.

    Now 4 congregations share it (one of which had its hall summarily closed in preparation for sale) by the UK branch. It is an austere grey colour with a very low platform like in the pictures shown on the previous page and "they've" (LDC/RBC whatever) ripped out the air-conditioning and it has retained it's non opening windows (which were fine when they had air-conditoning but now just keep heat in).

    An inmate err.. congregation member of one of the congregations told me that one evening earlier this summer the outside temperature was over 30 degrees C and inside it felt like being in a warehouse shaped oven.

    And "they" wonder why meeting attendance is down.

  • stuckinarut2

    Multi-purpose style building.

    Can be used for anything really.

    Community dance hall, mechanic shop, general store...

    Great for re-sale values!

  • Slidin Fast
    Slidin Fast

    Compare it with the new assembly hall in Holland. Little shed, big shed, one day they will be DIY shops or sofa warehouses. Just sheds.

  • darkspilver

    Compare it with the new assembly hall in Holland. Little shed, big shed, one day they will be DIY shops or sofa warehouses. Just sheds.

    FYI - here's my previous post, with photos, of the new Dutch (Holland) Assembly Hall

  • William Penwell
    William Penwell

    The new Kingdum Hall concept just looks too cold, sterile and uninviting. Just so the real estate/book publishing company can resell them faster.

  • Anders Andersen
    Anders Andersen

    Geez what a dump. No doubt they will spin it....'now our KH is also in unity with our poor Bros in Zimbabwanistan'

    And no...we don't have any idols in our barn. Hey have you seen this nice logo here?

  • cofty

    All hail JW.ORG

  • ToesUp

    "The new Kingdum Hall concept just looks too cold, sterile and uninviting."


  • millie210

    Well its no Solomons temple thats for sure.


    It`s not just Ugly..



    Image result for watchtower logo

    Image result for ugly word

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