Abandoned literature carts, maybe the end of them?

by sp74bb 37 Replies latest jw friends

  • punkofnice
    an important city in Spain is preparing to require all carts to obtain a licence to use the public areas, an insurance for civil claims and a clear identification of the owner of them...

    If this happens, who would pay? Let me guess, not the WBT$ but the R&F, nez pa?

  • punkofnice

    Perhaps the jobos are there with the carts 'invisibly(tm)'.

  • Brokeback Watchtower
    Brokeback Watchtower

    I live in the silicon valley, California and I see abandon carts at the different libraries here all the time. I've asked people hanging around near the vicinity of the carts if they were manning these things and all said definitely not!

  • tiki

    I've never seen one...our area has pretty good laws about soliciting ...and malls corporate ownership have the say over what is allowed on the property. I really find this whole cart thing pathetic. I'd be embarrassed to be associated with it on any level.....

  • freddo

    The shine is definitely losing its lustre on the cart work.

    The "average somewhat self-righteous pioneer" who likes the easy studies with JW kids, and wants to get their time in and look good adores the carts - especially "Metro" - they love being in the inner circle of keeners, turning up a fraction late for a meeting because they were on a "metro shift" at some tourist hotspot. Pioneer Elders love Metro too because they can avoid more menial jobs because they are "on the carts".

    But actual results? What a joke. You cannot paper over the apathy and disinterest in the Western world with dancing carts, a cult website and dumb-brain videos and cartoons.

    The old ones are dying or cast aside. The new ones cannot hold down a full time job without needing counselling and hand holding or they have kids to look after because their latest "partner" has done a runner.

    Everyone else is weary, deluded, depressed or bored. Or all four!

    What a mess. What a ship of fools!

  • FedUpJW

    For two years the cart that the local congregation paid for has sat in the un-opened shipping box. First behind the literature counter, then in the mechanical room, now being used as a shelf to stack paint cans on.

    At least it is getting some productive use!

  • Hecce

    Another portion of the last letter:

    Re: Witnessing in Public Places
    February 26, 2017
    Page 2
    8. Determining Who May Participate: The Congregation Service Committee will select qualified publishers to participate in this feature of the ministry. Those selected should be known to present themselves in a dignified way. Their appearance and dress should be professional, well-arranged, and modest. Those selected should demonstrate discernment and a willingness to witness in different public settings, should enjoy and promote good relations with others, should be committed to taking the assignment seriously, and should be willing to cooperate with the body of elders.

    This caught my attention, recently a friend told me that he went to a Book Fair and that the WT had a kiosk, it was attended by younger people, all good looking, wearing uniforms like baristas. My friend told me that they looked more like Mormons than JWs.

  • blondie

    For two years the cart that the local congregation paid for has sat in the un-opened shipping box. First behind the literature counter, then in the mechanical room, now being used as a shelf to stack paint cans on.

    So Fedup, what is the backstory the elders give the rank and file...do the r&f even know a cart was purchased, that it is not being used. Maybe the next step is Craigslist.

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