Sin came into the world - not true?

by menrov 32 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Diogenesister

    It’s funny when you think that the first thing they think of when it’s comes to knowing good from evil is....nakedness! How ridiculous!

    There are umpteen tribes who go around completely in the buff (in hot, humid countries) and don’t think a thing of it! It’s not something that humans find naturally wrong. It always seems to be colder countries that find public nakedness abhorrent. Funny that!

    its just our culture which designates what is sin and what is not.

    For instance, adultery to the ancient Hebrews was only if a man, married or single, had sex with a married woman. If a married man had sex with a single woman that was not adultery. That was not a sin to them.

    Boiling a Kid in it’s mother’s milk was a sin to them!! “Sinning” is cultural not absolute.

  • JoenB75

    Oh yes human behavior has historically been top notch, sin is nonsense lol

  • JoenB75

    It is a liberal marxist doctrine to attempt to turn the most rational and obvious concept in Christianity, the concept of sin, into nonsense. Adam errs because he is prone to erring. All human experience start out like Adams'.

  • pistolpete

    For instance, adultery to the ancient Hebrews was only if a man, married or single, had sex with a married woman. If a married man had sex with a single woman that was not adultery. That was not a sin to them.

    And it wasn't a sin if a KING had 1000 wives and concubines.

  • JoenB75

    Christianity has generally gone too far in its condemnation of sex. It goes back to Augustine. But Paul rightly says "Now to the unmarried and the widows I say: It is good for them to stay unmarried, as I am. But if they cannot control themselves, they should marry, for it is better to marry than to burn with passion" (1 Cor. 7:8-9)

  • waton
    Christianity has generally gone too far in its condemnation of sex. JB

    well, Sex and nakedness were always implied to be the original sin in the story's popular interpretation.

    Even in science, it's origin, re-creation, extra terrestrial, is kind of a holy grail.

    harnessing, controlling it would be a natural for religion, dealing with the unexplainable.

    Jesus went even further than Paul, lecturing that even a visual sin " persistently looking with intent at a woman " would end you in gehenna, the eternal fire. Paul: " it is better to marry than to burn"

    original sin? not recognizing our special place, origin.

  • waton

    Eternal punishment for "original sin" seems to be a favoured of religions, even the wt society, which disfellowships (condemns to eternity) those that persist to publish their revealing research.

    for another version of religious original and final sin: knowledge. see:

    Prometheus, who for advancing humankind, by revealing release of energy, is still suffering by being eaten alive.

  • JoenB75

    waton, there is a reason some Bible translations add "with passion". it is a Jewish idiom for lusting and all the classic hell fire believing commentaries interprets it thus, knowing the expression from Talmud and other jewish sources. They would have been more than happy to see a reference to the eternal fires in hell.

    I repeat the point that Augustine turned up the heat on sex, or down .

  • waton

    JB, Lust is a must for great sex, but keep it " all in the family" for 'pete's peace's sake'.

    sex is a great evolutionary tool, but if interfered with in marriage, can be very disruptive, think of Helen of Troy, and the Trojan war.

  • JoenB75


    As Paul says, it is better to marry than burn with lust. I think many humans have experienced this. It can easily lead to more than acting against the obnoxious preaching of the preacher against fooling around with the cute girls; it can lead to broken relations, hurt people and sexually transmitted diseases. Most of us like Adam learn through errors. Of course the rulers want to motivate against certain behaviour like that of Paris and Prometheus, but in real life we sometines need to fall in order to know when we stand

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