Pic of old woman having no food but donating to Watchtower

by Darkknight757 40 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Darkknight757

    Hi. I hope you are all doing ok and healing from the cult. 🙂

    I’m looking for an image of the old woman donating to watchtower but also in the same pic looking in her fridge and having little to eat. I need it for a video for YouTube.

    Anyways your help would be greatly appreciated. I can’t quite remember what article it came from but it was around 4 years ago.

  • LongHairGal


    While I don’t have a picture of that article, I do remember the thread. I am pretty sure it was within the last two years (?).. I was outraged at the artwork depicting a needy elderly JW woman looking in her empty refrigerator but YET in another picture putting money in the contribution box!!!

    These artwork pictures in the literature are hints and suggestions..as we all know. But, I would wager that the minds who thought this one up never missed a meal.

    In real life, this lady should be at her neighborhood food bank getting provisions!

  • Overrated

    Watchtower's "Be warm and well fed, but don't bother us with your problems, Oh by the the way we'll take a donation. "

  • Darkknight757

    Yes that pic was deplorable to say the least. Boy is it a hard one to find. I used to have it on my Instagram but took it off for some reason.

    Anyways that pic and others work the jw mind over. They are very well thought out and play on the emotions of its members. Very sick.

  • under the radar
    under the radar

    From the January 2017 study edition of Watchtower. Disgusting...


  • Mr.Finkelstein

    But wait all of these GB members and their wives get 3 full meals a day, get complete health and dental care, get an insured car to use at their disposal, get comfortable accommodations which they dont even have to clean themselves, get to travel around the world by air and get treated like adorned celebrities.

    Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnesses | Avoid JW.org

  • JoenB75
    It has always intrigued me that JW does not use tithing as do many other sects. Yet JW clearly has some other means to cash in.
  • slimboyfat

    Watchtower targeting children’s ice cream money, and hungry old ladies is crass and lacks empathy, by 8 out of touch men, who are clearly well fed themselves. But it’s indicative of the desperation setting in at Watchtower, because they are really struggling to fund their spending.

    Historically Watchtower didn’t need to tithe because they operated the largest publishing organisation in the world in the twentieth century. They didn’t need to tithe or emphasise donations because they had plenty of money. That came to an abrupt end in 1990 when they stop charging for the literature. However they were fortunate, because they had invested their profits from publishing in New York real estate. That gave them a second wind because they were able to sell off their property assets in the 2010s to keep the organisation afloat. But crunch time arrived and difficult decisions had to be made, in particular in 2015. Would they beg for more donations, or cut back spending? They tried both, but they are still short of covering their costs. So what will they do next?

  • Mr.Finkelstein

    Plain and simple the leaders of the JWS the GB men are in the business to lie and deceive, they are the quintessential sinners and apostates of the organization and they have acquired a lot of power, self adornment and money in doing so.

    Pointing out any of their false doctrines and practices while being in the organization will get you quickly muzzled and demonized as an actual opposer of god himself, even if you use bible scripture to do so.

  • Atlantis

    2017 Watchtower, Study Edition, pg.9 (If you want the entire magazine just let me know, and I'll send it over with a cappuccino!) under the radar has a larger picture, so you might want to use his scan.



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