The Faithful and Discreet Slave Just "have" The Truth

by Number 6 22 Replies latest jw experiences

  • waton
    Neither has Jesus found them to be faithful or discreet, that is a judgement he reserves for a later time.

    L: right ! When one examines the doctrines and beliefs, material in talks and publications of the 1914 -1919 era of wt's "Judgement period", that claim is breathtaking blasphemy. "The World has ended , Millions now living will never die", in other words

    the beginning of the "generation that will not pass away" message. (now the anointed overlapping groups) Not even in the bible story.

    The slave, that then was RR (not the Rolls & Royce of movement), but I person, Russel and then Rutherford, later "all the 144 000 when on Earth", now the few. phew.

  • neat blue dog
    neat blue dog

    Side note: I think it's hilarious that one of Diogenesister's comments got a downvote because of a passing mention of Cedars 😅

  • BluesBrother

    I have these discussions with my “mature in years and JWism “ family.

    They happily agree and lead the conversation that

    1) elders hardly ever do their jobs these days and don’t care for the flock

    2) the idea of Spirit appointment is nonsense

    3) material these days seems written for children, and videos? Yuk!

    4) the current GB are not a patch on the old ones

    I could list more complaints.... I say “ why follow it then?” ...They reply

    ” It’s the truth isn’t it “

    Doh! ( facepalm gesture)

  • tiki

    It is sad when older people sense the sham but are frozen, unable to extricate themselves from the religion....the thought of having invested a lifetime in it, then walking away is simply too devastating to the psyche.

  • eyeuse2badub

    I find it curiously interesting that 'FDS', now that there are only 8 of them, are directing an organization that no longer claims to be "spirit directed" or at least newly baptized persons are not required to publicly acknowledge that becoming a jw makes them part of a 'spirit directed' organization!

    No more "spirit directed" phrase in the baptism questions?---Strange!

    just saying!

  • Oceania 65
    Oceania 65

    Tiki-True.And think how disconcerting it must be,to think back on all those folks outside the conventions in the past..the ones you with the big '1975' signs,the ones you were told to ignore because they were 'crazy',and now realize that they were right...Ignorance is bliss

  • Diogenesister
    Tiki It is sad when older people sense the sham but are frozen, unable to extricate themselves from the religion....the thought of having invested a lifetime in it, then walking away is simply too devastating to the psyche

    I think it's also built-in fear of the "outside world'.

    Loyalty - that they would rather be wrong with loved ones and old friends, as well as respected elders (in the true sense of the word) who have passed away, than right with the 'scary world', too.

    And as mentioned before, they are sure that hellfire and the Trinity is wrong.

    As the Aspinall's have said, all the good stuff JWs have, Watchtower inteherited from earlier groups(hell, , preaching,tendency to pacifism) and all the bad stuff they invented themselves (shunning, pharasaic rules, bad medical/blood doctrine etc)

  • Vanderhoven7

    Who else could it be?

    Correct me if the late 1800s the FDS was the anointed since AD 33. Then from 1915 it was Charles Russell. In 1927 it was all the anointed again. In 2007 it was all the anointed since 1919. Then in 2012 it was the directors (leaders in Brooklyn) of the WTS in 1919 and all subsequent leaders acting in unison since 1919.

    Apparently the FDS can be anyone the existing leadership of the WTS claims it to be.

    Who else could it be?

  • waton
    2007 it was all the anointed since 1919.

    Vdh: Yeah I remember that and thought: wow! I wonder what Peter, Paul and John , who (according to wt writers) were resurrected in heaven a year earlier, thought about that; Despite

    All their writing they were never part of the Faithful Slave, wgo is supposed to be feeding the sheep.

    wr could not be more wrong then that!! or? yes they could!

  • LongHairGal


    Fear of the outside world: maybe for younger people. But, I think elderly JWs stay because it’s too late to start over possibly..

    I got out younger so I cannot say what I would do if I were them. 😮 Stay home? Join clubs? But, I couldn’t sit there and listen to another word once I knew it was bullshit..People are social creatures and need association. This is the problem that keeps them rooted in this thing.

    Anybody that’s gotten out already (even if they are having a rough time in the beginning) is better off. They will make new associations..

    As has been discussed elsewhere, there is talk of the religion changing into an e-religion. They are selling off halls and IF this continues..the eventuality is that people won’t have a hall to go TO..Or, it will be too far.

    I think the current Witnesses who are attending, seeing all these changes, being reassigned here and there... are going to be VERY disappointed by this religion that seems to be uprooting itself and morphing into whatever.

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