Am I unwelcome here?

by Esmeralda 71 Replies latest jw friends

  • teejay


    you funny. a 'junior member' with just over a month
    under his belt... telling people they ought to leave.
    man, you're not even mike-runner material yet! go
    sit over there in the corner and have a good shut up.

    you're a riot.

  • expatbrit


    When my grandparents reminisced about "the good old days", it didn't make me feel unwelcome in their corner of the world because I'd barged in, so to speak.

    While the old-timers here are not exactly our grandparents, their reminiscing doesn't make me feel unwelcome. In fact, those long in the tooth here have been most welcoming.

    You gotta let the old duffers reminisce! Doesn't mean they don't appreciate and enjoy the rest of us.

    The only unpleasantness here is caused by idiots like StiLLinTruth posting insulting bollocks. If people like yourself leave, our coffee shop will be the poorer for it.


  • hippikon

    Well doesn't that take the cake. Funny that the real nasty ones are "Gods Holy People".

    Essie: I arived on the board just when it was starting to get popular. I was attracted to it for it's intelectual content. I hope you don't feel I have intruded on you favorite spot. Perhaps there should be a private old boys club for the elite. I have always appreciated your imput.

    "But it does move"

  • Esmeralda


    I'm confused by your post. I think you misunderstood me? I was saying
    that I felt I was intruding on others, not that anyone was intruding on me.

    I don't mean any offense to anyone. I don't think that
    there should be any elite anything. If I wanted that I'd still be a JW.


  • hippikon

    You are absolutly not intruding on my space. I have noticed the changes even in the short time I have been here. Wether I like it or not my distinctivemess has been added to the board as has yours. If you give in to the insults from those that have just learned to walk upright we have all lost something. Please dont go! Dont leave me like this!

    "But it does move"

  • jezebel influence
    jezebel influence


    I just read your story on your web site and wanted to tell you how much it touched me.

    Please dont let others get you down,
    I also find reading or listening to negative people can make me feel very drained.
    So I try not to take notice of it if I read it here.

    I am new here and have wondered if what I say may give a wrong impression of me as I have trouble putting my thoughts to paper ,and everyone else seems so good at it!

    And I think that may make me unwelcome here.
    But I need this....and there maybe one person here that finds a glimps of my thoughts refreshing-whatever so I keep going.

    In other words ...if some people didnt want to welcome you or others here ,I do.

    PLEASE stick around!

    HUGS from jez

  • LoneWolf

    Hi, Es,

    Like you, I'm not sure that my comments are welcome on this thread.
    As you know, I've done my share of lowering the boom on those who abuse others on the board.

    My thought though is that sometimes it is necessary to return tit for tat in order to lessen an influence that will discourage the younger or those without the courage to post what is on their mind. The only alternative is to let the abusers run riot and continue running off the ones who could benefit from this the most.

    It's an unfortunate and unpleasant necessity, as well as thankless, but without it a small group will take it upon themselves to pass judgement on others hearts and the forum will deteriorate into little more than a small mutual admiration society.

    Don't believe the way that some fools have painted me on this board. After forty years of marriage to the same wonderful girl and five daughters (& one son too), if I was the monster they made me out to be I wouldn't be received emails from my daughters like I did about a week ago. She was encouraging me to take care of myself better and closed by saying ". . . for you are very wise, very good, very imperfect, and very loved." Ours is a warm, tight family, and that would never have come to pass if I didn't have deep respect for everyone's viewpoints and needs.

    Stay, Es. I enjoy your thought and unusual insights. Don't let other's harshness bother you.


  • Seven


    ...they may be happier if it were that way again.

    Essie! No way! The quality of this db has increased dramatically with the addition of you, Norm, wasasister, and everyone from H2O. Your contributions are much appreciated. I wish you would seriously reconsider any thoughts of leaving. You are such a valuable asset to this community.

    in the words of my hero Dr. Phil, "Enjoy a good shut up."

    This is what I've been doing for the past several months. I can't recall the last thread I started on the main forum. There are so many others contributing that we need not burn ourselves out to insure the board survives. This is great! Sure, like Expie said, we enjoy reminiscing. But that's as far as it goes. Do we want to go back to the days when we'd email and remind each other to post something or Simon will shut the board down? LOL No. We didn't even have enough posters to fill a chat room. It's rewarding to see what we old timers labored so hard to keep alive is now on solid ground and will be here for the newbies and lurkers who need it the most. Please stay and help carry it on.


  • Had Enough
    Had Enough

    Hi Esmeralda:

    I totally understand what you're first thought when I read your post was..."are you reading my mind?"

    I noticed the different atmosphere here from H20 when I first started lurking and stayed here, only to also notice the changes again in one month....what with many more new ones and the addition of trouble-makers and 'trolls'. That unsettled me too in my stage of leaving.

    Like jezebel influence, I was afraid of making the wrong impression but I too need this.

    Like Hippikon, I was attracted to the intellect here but also to the overwhelming kindness and caring expressed for new ones. I can tell you I practically broke out in a sweat trying to get through posting my first message. But for the most part, I have been made to feel welcome and encouraged by posters like you and many others like Mommy, somebody, Waiting, Tina, JT, Jst2laws, ZazuWitts, larc, RedHorseWoman, Ozzie, LoneWolf, stephenw20 just to name a few. (I know there's many more longtime posters and new ones that contribute so much here, but just too many to mention them all)

    I started out this morning in a silly, giddy mood posting here only to
    end up at the bottom of the rollarcoaster ride tonight. But that's why I need this place, to hear from posters like you and so many others to keep me going.

    As for the ones who have the immature need make themselves appear big by making trouble, well there's more than enough mature, wise, ones good with words,that can put them in their place.

    Even now before I finish this post, I look back at what else has been said from rest who have replied here and it already makes me feel better.

    You have such a better way with words than I do, so please understand you're appreciated and needed here. The boards just changing, not getting crowded.

    Had Enough

    PS Hippikon...Happy "Masters" degree

  • Tina

    Hi essie,
    I too felt that way in the beginning. In fact even before I re-registered,I had lurked and saw some rather unkind comments about what to do when the h20'ers came to town.
    I mentioned my concerns on the old board,after seeing these comments. I also mailed Simon,at that time, regarding the negativity shown by those posters. But I must say,from the very beginning,waiting ,7/9,and simon were open,welcoming and kind. They encouraged me to come over here in fact!
    And then as some of the others got to know us,I felt more and more welcomed.But don't doubt your perceptions,because there still are some who resent us being here. I see and sense their coldness by their lack of interaction on ANY post written by former h20'ers and by their lamenting about the changes.Growth and change are difficult for some.Like Java said,don't take it personally,it's their problem. You posts have helped so many and touched the hearts of them too. I read everyone of your posts,I learn from them,and your insights!

    It's not easy being 'the new kid on the block',but with time I hope it all works out positively.

    The only abusers here are the trolls,with their multiple identities.
    And the very few who are taken in by them,and defend them,thinking they are doing a service to the board,when the reality is they feed and entertain the trolls with their stupidity-but like I said that is only a very very few.
    These troll defenders call some of us feather headed broads, fools,uncaring unkind,non-nurturung,tell us to shut up and sit down,tell us to leave the board, and many many other nasty names and labels,(and they call this openminded,tolerant, warmth ,lol yeah right)they fortunately showed their true colors.These are the one/s I would encourage you to avoid,as they find out-spoken women a threat to their fantasy of male domination and control.(unless you respond to them with the 'proper' groveling and scraping they expect) No one (thinking person anyway)misunderstood what they saw and read, regarding what most of the world today considers an immoral view of women.
    Anyway,I'm sure with the passage of more time,the blend will get smoother. It is truly a great place her,with many many fine,kind, and intelligent people!,hugs,Tina

    Carl Sagan on balancing openness to new ideas with skeptical scrutiny...."if you are open to the point of gullibility and have not an ounce of skeptical sense,you cannot distinguish useful ideas from worthless ones."

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