I was a born in. After I was baptized I discovered that this was all a real scam. But My parents told me that as long as I lived under their roof, I had to fake it to make it. This was not my true self. Come to find out there are many of us.
What is the harm or downside of being PIMO?
by PimoElder 48 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
stan livedeath
Its one thing being PIMO if it just means accompanying your spouse / parents to meetings now and then--and nothing more ( several regulars on here fit that description,...but
being an elder FFS
do you take the lead in field service ? do you give public talks ? you are in effect unpaid middle management--onlookers see you as a devout jw.
could you d/f someone ?
I think being PIMO is a good way to drive yourself into a depression.
Why not just spend your time doing other things? Go live your life instead ...
I smell a troll..
stan livedeath
I smell a troll..
We do get one--same person--?--sign up every few weeks. Same style--deliberate " bad behaviour" for a dub. Then they disappear.
Yes - there has been one person who must have signed up 50+ times. They are obviously mentally deranged, but can still work a computer.
There's someone now busy creating accounts with all manner of names to insult me. They haven't noticed that new accounts that haven't been confirmed no longer appear in the users list. We're not dealing with the brightest of people after all, LOL
I laugh when I think of the time they must spend doing it, and an automated script is just undoing all that effort!
I was a Pimo must of my early life by force. I hated it! I was not my true authentic self. How can anyone lve under those conditions without mental issues which I have to deal with today. But better without self medicating with drugs and drink.
Disillusioned JW
nicolaou, at https://www.jehovahs-witness.com/topic/5767564746555392/my-story the person using the handle of PimoElder claims to really be a PIMO elder.
For the life of me I can`t get my head around how anyone, PIMO, could still go D2D in FS ??
If that in fact is what any PIMO does.
road to nowhere
Pressure from family still in. A waste of a day. Few people home, fewer ( none) interested, lots of wasted effort doing returns and waiting while they went to doors. Best part was break. Worst was " mood music" in some cars. Conversation usually was sports, camping, work; a few yoyos insisted on " spiritual " subjects.
I really am looking forward to how many will resume when it is "safe". I am figuring excuses right now. Maybe the letter writers arexrighr