5 American idols left-who's getting the boot?

by morrisamb 39 Replies latest social entertainment

  • morrisamb

    for those who've watched tonight so far, Justin's song was so boring I emailed during his carping...the top 4 are better than he, #2 of last year!

  • SixofNine

    I just saw a look of contempt for Americans from Simon unequaled by anything on this board, lol. He gave this look when he realized Rueben had been voted into the bottom two, while Josh had been spared.

    I think I understand his contempt, lol.

  • morrisamb

    Boy, was my post of a few hours ago ominious or what...check it out..

    American Idol needs a major upset!! to make it exciting like last years.

    You know what I mean..like on Joe Millionaire -- how boring, he picked Zorra...she was great but Sara was more suited to his real personality. Now that would have been a fun ending...

    So in that spirit, it would be so awesome if Clay-boy or Reuben were in the bottom ...not because they deserve it (or in Clay's case, that it would be an unusual position), but because it would be nice to see them sweat at the top...

    ..just like in the real world.

  • Aztec

    I still can't believe Rueban was in the bottom two...are Americans loony? I think the only reason Josh is still in this at all is because he is in the military..how sad... ~Aztec

  • SixofNine

    So true, my cute little pinko commie friend

  • Aztec

    Oh no! Sixy my dear, are you calling me a pinko commie? :( I wanted to like Josh cause he's originally from the Detroit area but he just sucked last night! My fave is still Clay!:) ~Aztec

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    I could not believe tonight's show - Rueban in the bottom 2???? that was just too much for me. I was just as disgusted with that vote as Simon.

    Don't mind Trenyce going though. I finally figured out what it is about her that I don't like - she reminds me of a young Diana Ross - who I also used to hate to watch - listening wasn't to bad but those skinny arms waving all over the place

    Stay tuned

  • Mulan

    I am starting to think that people are voting for the underdogs. Maybe someone should tell Simon to tone down his crituques. People are feeling sorry for the ones he attacks.............like Josh last night.

    I was so shocked Ruben was in the bottom two. Josh was shocked too. I think he wanted off, to tell the truth. He didn't look happy to still be there. I didn't vote for Ruben, because I voted for Clay, and thought one was enough this week.

    Now it gets REALLY interesting.

  • LDH

    LMAO @ Lady Lee's comment about skinny arms. Good point.

    Adios, Trenyce! or however the hell you spell your name....

  • morrisamb

    Yes, Mulan, now it gets interesting...but I hate that I have to look forward to "Thank God I'm a country boy" next week...LOL

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