5 American idols left-who's getting the boot?

by morrisamb 39 Replies latest social entertainment

  • ThiChi

    Josh was not smiling much last night....I think he knows his time is up. Hey, the Bad Blood song is a really a hard sell......

    Simon sure cracks me up.....he is so brutally honest in his views, and on the mark most of the time, IMHO

  • happyout

    I hope Ruuuben wins, and Kim comes in second. Clay is ok, kinda reminds me of Barry Manilow, except Clay sings without feeling. His voice is great, very powerful, but just no emotion. I have never liked Trenyce, don't know why, just don't. I think Josh has been in this long because of the patriotic spirit of the country, and his time is up.

  • morrisamb

    American Idol needs a major upset!! to make it exciting like last years.

    You know what I mean..like on Joe Millionaire -- how boring, he picked Zorra...she was great but Sara was more suited to his real personality. Now that would have been a fun ending...

    So in that spirit, it would be so awesome if Clay-boy or Reuben were in the bottom ...not because they deserve it (or in Clay's case, that it would be an unusual position), but because it would be nice to see them sweat at the top...

    ..just like in the real world.

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    Let Josh go Let Josh go Pluueese. He just doesn't measure up to Rueben and Clay

    Now who do I want to win? Clay all the way

    He is consistent with everything he sings. He just pulls it off everytime. And in recording that will count. He is young and his comfort level will improve with time. The guy gives me chills when he sings

    Rueben - The Velvet TeddyBear - way cool singer - awesome but not always on target

    Kim - nope don't like her - the voice just doesn't get me and no consistence - like can you see her doing a concert and hitting all those wrong notes - she has improved though

    Trenyce - well she has a voice - great range - and it is good - on the good nights but just not consistent enough

  • Ghost of Esmeralda
    Ghost of Esmeralda

    I think that Josh is next to go (has trouble staying on key lately), then Trenyce. Then Kimberly, and that leaves Rubes and Clay.

    Who do I want to win? Hard decision :/ I LOVE Clay, but Ruben is just so amazing and adorable, man, that is going to be a really, really hard choice to make. I wish they could both win!

    As much as I'd like to see Clay win, I think Ruben has it all sewn up...


  • Mulan

    Essie, you said exactly what I think will happen too.

    But............I like Clay better. It's a real toss up. But, if I were shopping for CD's, and had to choose, I would pick Clay's CD over Ruben's.

    I like Kimberly but would never buy her CD.

  • Sara Annie
    Sara Annie
    But............I like Clay better. It's a real toss up. But, if I were shopping for CD's, and had to choose, I would pick Clay's CD over Ruben's.

    I like Kimberly but would never buy her CD.

    I was going to post my opinion in this thread, but then realized that Mulan had posted it, verbatim, for me.

  • Scarlet

    I would love to see Kimberly go she is just awful. I am just not hearin' it Dawg. She is like nails on a Chalkboard. Josh is the one that will be going home though. I am going to be happy for any of the Top 3 that win Clay, Trenyce or Ruben. I don't think Kimberly will be Top 3 and if she is that is a sad day for American Idol.

  • happyout

    Hey, anyone want to make a virtual bet on who's going to win??? I bet you a picture of a great breakfast that Clay wins!!!!

  • morrisamb

    nothing personal, Ms. Scarlet but my favourite is Kimberley...it's treynce and josh that grate like nails on a chalkboard...

    You might be right happyout..I originally picked him too...if he continues his path out fo the closet he'll win!

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