Cutback prediction

by slimboyfat 204 Replies latest members private

  • slimboyfat
    my prediction is clear and concise: they will never fold. I cannot be any more clear

    I thought you went further than that. That they are in good financial shape, have a sound business model, are only pretending to be broke, and that they will introduce tithing. So a bit more than just that they "won't fold". But never mind.

  • DesirousOfChange

    Let's say the WTS does get sued into bankruptcy, which IMO could certainly happen.

    Perhaps they were aware of that potential (perhaps told by their legal dept that their ass is on the line way deeper than they (GODs) ever imagined that Jehovah would let them get. If they were forced into bankruptcy while they still owned all of the high profile Brooklyn real estate, buyers would be lining up for the Bankruptcy Fire Sale. Soooo... they sold it all before that happens. Likely they're doing their best to "hide" some of their BILLION$ outside of the USA. Now if they are forced into bankruptcy, who the hell will want their little prison campus in bofuk upstate NY? It won't take attorneys to long to realize they are no longer a cash cow to be exploited.

    (Frankly, I think they've hidden all they CA$H from the real estate sales and Kingdom Hall cash embezzlement and set up a huge endowment that will prop them up for decades.)

  • _Morpheus

    its good to see that it is possible to have a clear and concise position that is easily understandable and not ever evolving and ambiguious conveyed on the forum as evidanced by the fact that you understand mine.

  • floridaborn

    This no yearbook thing is a great set up for them. If they don't print a true annual report they can publish snippets from small countries to "encourage the flock". In the meantime no reports means no one seeing decline so they can pull out missionaries, print less mags for poorer countries and no one will be the wiser. They can stop spending money on recruiting poor members.

  • Acluetofindtheuser

    As I watched the video of Anthony Morris I felt like I could read his mind as he spoke about the changes. It must have been his body language and tone. He's freakin' mad because all the friends are reporting high magazine placements but there are no studies coming from them. He's tired of the easy magazine route witnessing. It produces no new converts.

    The majority of witnesses prefer to go on return visits when they are in the ministry. All these return visits come from placements of either the public watchtower or Awake. The friends like the revolving content in the W and A. They feel like doorstep news anchors every month. Every witness knows that when you change from W and A drop off to presenting the Bible Teach book with your return visit you lose them.

    Next year you will see placements down and the true lack of interest in the 1st world countries.

  • ScenicViewer
    Jws: I agree with OTWO, I've always thought the JWs have been in decline since they went to the donation plan for literature.

    I agree with that too. Actually I think the decline started right after the 1975 failure, but in small ways, such as stopping food service at assemblies and conventions, which used to be provided at no charge. "God feeds his people spiritually and physically," you would hear Witnesses say in those pre-1975 days.

    But any decline in money coming in was mostly made up for by, as you [Jws] say, raising the price of the magazines. I remember them being 5 cents each, then after 1975 they went to 10 cents each, then they went to 25 cents each.

    But I think the really big financial decline started in the early 1990s when they went to a 'donation arrangement' for the magazines. They did it to avoid paying tax and it didn't work.

    Why didn't Watchtower simply follow the Biblical advice to....

    [Pay] to him who calls for the tax, the tax, to him who calls for the tribute, the tribute... (Romans 13:7, NWT)

    It would have been so easy, but NO, the Geniuses-that-Be (GB) in the organization felt they were above following the Bible, refused to pay a simple tax, and went to a voluntary 'donation arrangement.' They were no doubt thinking Jehovah would 'provide' - How, by neglecting His instructions? So much for the GB's thinking - but he didn't, resulting in the Governing Body shooting the Organization in the foot.

    That, plus JWs awakening all over the world (during these Internet Times) and withholding donations, has resulted in the financial disaster that we see today in Watchtower.

    I don't have much of a guess as to whether Watchtower's decline will be swift and complete, or slow and partial. I guess I lean toward the latter, but it's out of fear of being overly optimistic. The faster and more complete it is, the better, but I can't help thinking that Watchtower has more up it's sleeve that we don't know about yet.

  • Ruby456

    slim they are embracing the new technologies. who needs a yearbook when you can ask a team of brothers to make a video of what local witnesses are doing in different parts of the world. Brothers who are IT savvy are being recruited to Bethels as part-timers and as residents.

    JWs are still very very productive but they are mirroring what we all expect to happen in the developed world - greater reliance on technology to be productive and to generate income.

  • steve2

    I thought the world would end way before the Yearbook ever did. How wrong I was!

  • Xanthippe

    I wonder how they're explaining that million pound house in Wales now to the UK congregations? A translating base for just three watchtowers and three awakes a year, no yearbook and hardly any new books to be printed.

  • dropoffyourkeylee

    I wonder if a workable business model for them would be to admit the're a business, charge money for the literature like they did in the old days, and pay their share of tax like any business. Wouldn't that be better for them than what is happening?

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