Cutback prediction

by slimboyfat 204 Replies latest members private

  • The Fall Guy
    The Fall Guy

    Whether the WTBTS survives another 5,10, or 20 years is open to lots of debate and disagreements, but one thing I'm convinced of is this, they have not revolutionised their money-making cult because of greed, but because of desperate need! The corporation hit the financial buffers with such speed and impact that it shattered numerous "sacred" pillars and structures at Brooklyn. (cause/s open to speculation - but still unknown)

    Unless any evidence to the contrary can be shown, the org has never been so financially secure in its history! Streamlining the corporation's global structure, overheads, expenditures, and crucially, morphing into an electronic religion, has apparently secured their finances & future for quite some time to come. However, the continued contraction of the org and its constant begging for money leads a person to conclude that money pouring into the WTBTS is seriously haemorrhaging out. (see latest plea in study article of January 2018 WT)

    Just my (optimistic) 2 cents worth. Whatever the case, it's all good news for those who have woken up.

  • Gorbatchov

    Every consultant should advise to put the multi billion dollars income from the Brooklyn property sale aside.

    They don’t repear a line down religion.

    The assets are safe somewere, maybe offshore.


  • ttdtt

    Love what you say - but I see no evidence of them running out of money.

    More is pouring in than ever before, and they have trimmed so many expenses.


    Unless any evidence to the contrary can be shown, the org has never been so financially secure in its history!
  • _Morpheus

    You are totally ignoring all the evidance of the org imploding right infront of you! Your still stuck in the cults control, convinced of the orgs invincibility. /endsliminspiredsarcasium

  • OneEyedJoe

    To those that think that the cult is not experiencing money problems or is not otherwise in decline - what would it look like if it were? What would be sufficient to convince you?

  • Laika

    Morpheus, I'm curious as to why you think the Watchtower will tithe if they are in a financially healthy position?

  • _Morpheus

    Laika, a fair and reasonable question!

    my answer is easy: i didnt say that. Well, not exactly. Thats what slim wants me to have said.... what i said was they would never let finical problems cause them to collapse (as slim has said in numerous threads ) and that if money ever was a true issue they would simply use a tithe (by whatever name they use) to stay alive. I also said the current kh mortgage scam is a form of “congregation level” tithe as it is, individual tithes (by whatever name they call it) is a small step that most witnesses wont blink an eye at.

    So im not calling for a tithe specifically at any point, just saying they would never let money issues cause them to sink without resorting to a tithe on an individual level.

  • Xanthippe
    Mark claims that Watchtower has paid out $200 million and counting to victims of abuse in the United States alone. Does anyone know if that's remotely accurate? If so there goes a quarter of the Brooklyn property profits right there. - SBF

    Who's Mark?

  • OneEyedJoe

    I feel like Laika can be forgiven the confusion....

    So tithing is the only sign that you'll accept that they're in some sort of financial trouble? Nothing else?

  • Xanthippe

    But from what pimo members have said they already have an idea of what they are expected to donate each month. It's one of those unwritten rules, I bet elders let it slip in talks without making it sound like a tithe

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