Cutback prediction

by slimboyfat 204 Replies latest members private

  • slimboyfat

    I already gave a time frame actually. You missed it somehow. Go back and see.

  • OrphanCrow
    DoubtingBro: The problem I see is they haven't completely figured out what that something else is. However, they will.

    They likely have that something else already figured out. We just don't have the full scoop yet.

    One thing that is apparent, though, is that the evangelical model just isn't working for them anymore. For years now the 'outside' community(ies) have speculated that the org has been on track to morph into a more mainstream religion and regardless if it is happening because of financial 'difficulties' or not, it is happening. The evangelical model is changing.

    In another two or three will change even more. The WTS will not fall. It will not end. It is evolving. It will grow another arm or another leg or two...or more eyes or something. Or grow fur. But it will survive.

  • shepherdless

    Tithing would cause them to lose more members, but I guess that would not be thei borg’s main concern at the moment. Also, it would take a lot for the rank and file to adjust to, and the borg would have to ramp it up gradually.

    Add to that, JWs are typically a fairly poor bunch, and it might not generate as much as hoped for. It is no coincidence that religions known for tithing are more known for supporting academic achievement and career (ie future wealth).

    One problem is that to do tithing properly, there needs to be systems in place, including record keeping for individual contributions, receipts, perhaps income assessments, and consequences for those who don’t contribute. I don’t think they can whip that up and roll it out, overnight.

    I remember as a kid, my dad was part of a team at the local Catholic Church that counted money, made records and issued receipts. (The Catholics aren’t true tithers, as there are no consequences or penalties for failing to contribute, and the majority don’t.) I had to help the counting a couple of times, when my dad couldn’t do it. The anonymous cash donations in the basket were actually only a small proportion of the overall take. Most of the money came in serialised envelopes, back then. The point I am making, is tithing is not as straightforward as it might initially seem.

    On a separate matter, surely a large number of bethelites are about to be “reassigned” to the kerb?

  • ShirleyW
    You can only flip-flop a teaching so many times. They must be really struggling in the writing department to come up with new ideas .

    That sounds like a valid point to me, just how many more "new light" ideas can they come up with, but if they do the sheeple (what's left of them) will blindly follow as always

  • Tight Pants Twinkle Toes
    Tight Pants Twinkle Toes

    SBF.....I agree with you, they are broke or damn near!! As far as the psychological distress of the long timers, will that be any greater than it is on exjw's now? It will probably turn in to a witch burning and the witches will look a lot like GB's

  • _Morpheus

    Db, you and are 100% in agreement on all your points

  • _Morpheus

    @slim- No i didnt miss it, im looking for an answer without equivocation and weasel words.

    You said: “I don't know how it will play out but I think there may be some sort of crisis/splinter/disintegration within 5 years or so. Unless they can think of some way out of this mess.”

    in true wt fashion saying both they are collapsing in 5 years... unless they dont. You have absolutely, in 5 different threads, made a HUGE case for them being bankrupt and even called myself and others who dont see it your way “still believing in the orgs invincibility”. So im sinply asking you, since YOU have made the case over and over that org is done, to take a simple stand that agrees with YOUR point and give us a time frame free from “outs” that relive you when when your predictions are inevitably proven silly and dead wrong.

    Just like the wt’s....

  • sparky1

    "Oh sage of doom........when? long do they have left." - _Morpheus

    Let me help you with that _Morpheus.

    "The whole thing is a fragile, hollowed-out mess, liable to collapse any minute." - Slimboyfat 23 days ago

    "I think all this could happen within 10-20 years." - Slimboyfat 16 days ago

    "I think there may be some sort of crisis/splinter/disintegration within 5 years or so." - Slimboyfat 7 hours ago

    Tune in tomorrow boys and girls for another episode of Slimboyfat Prognosticates The End of Watchtower! The more things change, the more they stay the same.

  • _Morpheus

    Rotfl! Well thats my point sparky and i greatly respect your effort in pulling those quotes.

  • Nosferatu

    I'm going to throw something a bit different out there; something that I could see happening...

    Let's say the WTS does get sued into bankruptcy, which IMO could certainly happen. What do you think is going to happen to the rank & file? Are they going to go to a different religion? Will they say "I guess it wasn't the one true religion"? Keep dreaming. JWs have been trained for the persecution that will happen before armageddon. They will only see bankruptcy as persecution and claim that Armageddon is now even closer than ever.

    What will likely happen is the WTS will be reborn by other members of the rank & file. They will start a NEW Jehovah's Witness religion. They may even start a couple of new ones. Remember how the Bible Students went in a different direction than the rest of the Watchtower? It'll be the same kind of thing.

    The Watchtower corporation as we currently know it could certainly die, but the Jehovah's Witness religion will not. It will continue on in some way, shape or form. Most JWs are far too brainwashed to be let out to explore their own thoughts and ideas.

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