Smoking gun GB can’t get out of this one

by Mikejw 147 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • jhine

    Anna Marina are you a JW ?


  • jhine

    The point is claims were made that the NHS had changed it's advice . Those claims were false .


  • Mikejw
    jhine4 hours ago

    The point is claims were made that the NHS had changed it's advice . Those claims were false .



    Jan you can not say that it’s not true that the NHS did a U turn. A couple of days ago Dr John Campbell covered the U turn on pregnancy and clots shots. Now he clarified again they did indeed do a U turn

  • Mikejw

    This a fundamental U turn. Before this they said the shots were safe for pregnant women now they say...

    Regulation 174, it is considered that sufficient reassurance of safe use of the vaccine in pregnant women cannot be provided at the present time:

    Women who are breastfeeding should also not be vaccinated

  • Mikejw

    There are loads of forums and online chats talking about this U turn.

    the reason we are talking about it here is the GB have not yet done this U turn, and we are indoctrinated to follow directions even if it goes again Satan’s world.

    at the moment pregnant sisters and feeding mothers are to follow direction from the GB to keep getting these shots even though on the official website they have changed it to

    Regulation 174, it is considered that sufficient reassurance of safe use of the vaccine in pregnant women cannot be provided at the present time:

    Women who are breastfeeding should also not be vaccinated

  • Anna Marina
    Anna Marina

    Jan - why do ask whether or not I am a JW - and what do you mean by a Jehovah's Witness anyway? I do not see that the Watchtower Bible and Tract Soc (which identifies as Jehovah's Witnesses), has any real connection to the Jehovah's Witnesses spoken of in the book of Isaiah. Maybe you disagree. But the simple answer to your question is I am Christian but I am no longer a member of the Watchtower.

    What about yourself are you a member of the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society?

    Mike - One elder I knew had to plead for understanding when he explained that his pregnant wife was not vaccinated. Pleading for understanding... that she should not be given an experimental drug which could harm their unborn child. He was polite, gentle and humble about it but you could sense how worried he was.

  • Bartolomeo

    hello everyone, I have been following this topic for a few days and I have just signed up, I am a brother not vaccinated and strongly angry with the GB for the irresponsible handling of this situation

  • enoughisenough

    Bartolomeo, don't you mean you are angry at Jehovah ?...after all if you believe that the GB are the faithful slave, then you have to believe that Jehovah or Jesus ( as brought out in the 7/22 WT study article ) directed the way they handle the pandemic to keep everyone safe( how do you separate it?). The recent convention even reinforced it all with the "mask" drama, and telling the sheep they HAD to obey Jehovah or his spokes people here on earth-the GB. So either Jehovah directed them or he didn't. If he didn't ( and why would he direct such a murderous vx?) isn't it safe to say the GB are FRAUDS? I for one had enough of the GB saying Jehovah caused or directed this or that when he clearly didn't and the changing of "present truth" ( lies) to "new light" ( more lies) If Jehovah were really directing the GB, they would always publish truth! As far as the pandemic is concerned, they clearly got their information from worldly sources ( not devine one ) and even in advance of some of the world in general's edicts.( I find that strange ) If you speak against the way the GB handle it inside the congregation, you are speaking against the GB and you will be soon have your attitude adjusted.

  • Bartolomeo

    dear enough I understand the logic game;)

    I am not angry with Jehovah simply because I believe that the GB can attribute to himself all the titles and roles that he prefers but then he will have to account for it to the Father, and then Jehovah will act as Ezekiel ch. 34

    In David Splane's Saturday speech on conscience, many principles were examined that had to be applied immediately to these vaccines: the choice should remain to the individuals and in no case influence the decision of the brothers and sisters!

    I found myself in disagreement from the beginning so I resigned as an elder in order not to be morally responsible for any potential case of adverse reaction. I do not regret my decision, only I have the profound disappointment of a GB who has compromised himself with the world by extolling Big Pharma as a God on the altar of which humanity is sacrificing innocent victims.

    This is a great sin for which Jehovah will ask for an account in my opinion.

    PS: excuse me for my bad english

  • enoughisenough

    Bartolomeo , you wrote: the choice should remain to the individuals and in no case influence the decision of the brothers and sisters! " in no case influence the decision...." , yet they emotionally blackmailed, coerced, promoted the vx, told elders to keep their opinions to themselves so as not to cause contentions...

    I congratulate you for resigning as an least you showed some gumption to do the right thing. So, I am curious, do you instruct your friends and family in the congregation not to take the sacrifice to big pharma?

    "this is a great sin"--yes and they twist scriptures to instruct those who don't want to think for themselves. Jehovah has left the building -if he were ever there and when you consider the origins, that seems doubtful.

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