It's been a long 9 years Lloyd Evans / John Cedars (continued)

by Simon 2849 Replies latest jw friends

  • nicolaou

    To receive the full state pension in the UK you need to have paid thirty years worth of National Insurance contributions (a specific, earnings related tax).

    Whatever his payment record was before his move to Croatia, it will certainly have stalled since then and is unlikely to resume anytime soon.

    Hope he's putting plenty into a private pension or he's screwed. Actually, that's good advice for everyone - full state pension or not.

  • ozziepost
    Hope he's putting plenty into a private pension or he's screwed. Actually, that's good advice for everyone - full state pension or not.

    Probably it could be viewed as the perfect retirement by a “certain someone”.

  • Simon
    To receive the full state pension in the UK you need to have paid thirty years worth of National Insurance contributions (a specific, earnings related tax).

    People often go out of their way to cheat on taxes or avoid paying them in someway but forget about the future implications where their lack of record of earnings and contributions can come back to bite them.

    Not that anyone should really rely on government promises when it comes to pensions, as most are really complete Ponzi schemes and largely unsustainable. Which of course makes doing your own planning for your own future all the more critical.

    I posted about Retirement Planning for ex-JWs

  • TonusOH

    Simon: He'll be one of those types that bemoans how poor he is when he's older because he didn't work and plan for that future.

    And he won't admit that it's his own fault. Much easier to blame everyone else for his misfortunes. One thing that he might not realize is that he won't be able to count on patrons or wealthy supporters to keep comping him free vacations and trips around the world. Even the most hardcore supporters will eventually run out of patience, interest, or money.

  • Las Malvinas son Argentinas
    Las Malvinas son Argentinas
    Even the most hardcore supporters will eventually run out of patience, interest, or money.
    That’s precisely the current he’s running up against right now. Back in say 2018, an exiting JW might have seen his ugly face on the Remini special or had been steered to his videos by going to Reddit or even here. There were very few other options out there, and if they were not “approved” by Jabba the Hutt, he’d organise a whisper campaign that these people were “aggressive” or being otherwise a negative factor towards “the cause”.

    Today if someone discovers him, what do they see? They see a very controversial person many despise with a disgusting sex scandal that ruined his family. They see 3 or 4 videos a month with him babbling on about being burnt out or the psychological benefits of shrooms. They also find a tonne of other creators that have decidedly negative opinions and won’t work with him. It’s not so much that his Cedarite base is running out of money, I think they are losing interest not only in him but in JWs as well.

    He’s poisoned the well for new converts. He’s triggered a time bomb with his lawsuit (mentioned several times on his videos) that will eventually explode and cause even more questions to be asked by people who had given him the benefit of the doubt and believed him that malignant forces within the exJW movement were out to shut him down.

    He’s been exposed in the worst kind of way and his attitude, arrogance and a true-to-life disdain for other exJWs is impossible to conceal anymore.

  • ForeverAlone

    Has there been any progress on the failed lawsuit?

    Come on guys 12 days since last post!

    We can't let this thread die. I bet Lloyd has been jumping up and down thinking that this may be the end of the thread.

  • slimboyfat

    On the other hand, perhaps indifference is what he’d hate most, and his ultimate just deserts as his support drifts ever downward.

  • Newly Enlightened
    Newly Enlightened

    It's the 1st of the month & time for Patreons to leave.

    Last night he had 342 paying patreons

  • ForeverAlone

    336 now.

    Is there going to be a Patreoff this month?

  • TonusOH
    Hey, after two years of almost-constant entertainment, it looks like he's run out of steam. I'm sure he'll find some way to embarrass himself (and his remaining supporters) again. Don't underestimate his ability to dig himself into an ever deeper hole.

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