Are Jehovah's Witnesses a cult just as evil and dangerous as Islam?

by cookiemaster 39 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Chook

    It really depends on how you classify dangerous, if dangerous is associated with family structure breaking down well I think JWs are near the top of the danger tree. Because really most catastrophe's don't have a bearing on your family ,yet JWs have mastered family destruction to an art . You know their is big problems when a church allows parental separation on the grounds of spiritual endangerment.

  • James Mixon
    James Mixon

    In JW paradise they would be as dangerous as Islam.....

  • jwfacts

    You cannot compare JWs to Islam. Islam aligns with Christianity, not a single sect.

    If you are going to have this sort of conversation you need to be clear you are referring to the Extremist Islamic sects. Using the term Islam when you are referring to just its most radical followers serves no useful purpose and creates unnecessary animosity.

  • Simon
    Using the term Islam when you are referring to just its most radical followers serves no useful purpose and creates unnecessary animosity.

    So ... women should be covered at all times lest them tempt men with their sluttiness? Cut off their lady parts to prevent them enjoying sex? Walk 5 paces behind your lord and master? Don't go out without your owner? Throwing gays from building would be A-OK?

    Are these the radical ideas or the norm?

    Mainstream Islam is radical - it's just that the numbers confuse people.

    JWs as one of the "extreme" groups of Christianity demonstrates the huge gulf between the two fundamental faiths. Christianity is essentially a redemption ideology - be a nice person, do enough nice things and god might think you're worth. Islam is revenge - kill the infidels and the jews and if you kill enough and die while doing it, Allah will love you.

    JWs are at the "extreme" end of Christianity ... but really, they are still a million miles away from being ISIS or even anywhere near the barbarity that is just "regular daily Islam".

    If I'm wrong, explain why.

  • jwfacts

    You miss my point. There are variations of Islam just as there are of Christian. It's like saying Christians are murderers because they die refusing blood, when only Jehovah's Witnesses follow that teaching.

    So ... women should be covered at all times lest them tempt men with their sluttiness? Cut off their lady parts to prevent them enjoying sex? Walk 5 paces behind your lord and master? Don't go out without your owner? Throwing gays from building would be A-OK?

    Are these the radical ideas or the norm?

    This does not apply to 100% of Muslims. In Indonesia, the world's largest population of Muslims, the jilbab is not obligatory. In Australia, a minority of Muslims wear the hajib.

    Groups that strictly abide by Sharia law - fundamentalist Islam - are what the OP is referring to.

  • Island Man
    Island Man

    I'm not sure you can say that Islam is a cult. Islam is not a singular homogenous entity. Islam is a spectrum of sects that exist along a spectrum from the very moderate, liberal versions to the extremist versions. Are there cults in Islam? Absolutely!

    Are Jehovah's Witnesses just as evil and dangerous as Islamic cults like IS and the Taliban? No.

  • never a jw
    never a jw

    "That's one of the most idiotic claims"

    Ouch! Opinionated...aren't you?

  • oppostate

    WT'ism has the potential to become more and more fanatical.

    But it would take a while to reach the heights fanatical mahometans are attaining lately in the news.

    The history of Mahomet's followers is filled with the ebb and flow of fanatics, just like the history of Christendom is also filled with maniacal fanatics who kill, persecute and maim. (e.g. Crusades, Dark Ages Europe, pogroms, ethnic cleansing by anti-hereticals, by the Catholic Inquisition, yes, and also fanatical Orthodox and Protestants alike burning people at the stake).

    And of course, there's the WT's lamenting that today there's no stoning of apostates.

  • LoveUniHateExams

    Interesting discussion between Simon and JWFacts.

    Both made some good points, I think.

    I think JWs will never be as bad as Islamic extremists - take a look at who each group follows ...

    The JWs, along with all other Christians, follow Jesus. Jesus, like Muhammad, started his own religion and thus pissed off religious leaders. But the example of Jesus shows a man who didn't fight anybody, who told his followers to pursue peace and love their enemies.

    Then look at Muhammad's example. Islamic extremists and other Muslims consider Muhammad the best of men. Muhammad lead a group of bandits in the desert that would steal travellers' possessions. He fought in many battles. He personally beheaded 600 captive Jews. With the Jewish prisoners who were boys, he checked under their arms for hair. Those with underarm hair were beheaded, those without remained in captivity.

    He also married a 9 year old girl and had sex with her (child rape & abuse). He had slaves and concubines, too.

    The most violent thing Jesus ever did was drive the money changers out the temple with whips. Perhaps the worst thing he said was "I come to cause divisions with the sword."

    Islam will always be much worse than Christianity because Muhammad's example is much worse than Jesus'.

  • jwfacts
    will always be much worse than Christianity because Muhammad's example is much worse than Jesus'.

    Interesting point. Jesus was a more peaceful prophet than Muhammad, but don't forget at the core both groups worship the same murderous God that destroyed his creatures through Noah's flood.

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