Will Jehovah...

by watson 36 Replies latest jw friends

  • watson

    When Jehovah brings Armageddon, will he let me live long enough to witness the deaths of my children and grand children because they didn't believe in him?

    Since I've faded and I don't promote worshiping him anymore, I am just wondering.

    At least I'd know for sure what kind of god he is?

  • 2+2=5
    Just make it a matter of prayer. If you sincerely ask God for the chance to witness you progeny get killed, I am sure he will accomodate. He is a loving father.
  • LaurenM

    Yes and he'll expect your love and worship after he kills them

  • Saename
    watson - When Jehovah brings Armageddon, will he let me live long enough to witness the deaths of my children and grand children because they didn't believe in him?

    Pray to him about it.

    "Because of this I say to you, whatever things you pray and ask for, believe that you receive them, and they will be given to you" (Mark 11.24).

    Edit: While I was translating the verse, I noticed that 2+2=5 already said that... but he added a nice twist to that: "He is a loving father."

  • watson

    If I get "activated" again, maybe he won't let me see it happen.

  • just fine
    just fine

    I wouldn't worry......it's never going to happen.

  • Finkelstein

    Just to put your mind at ease Watson, Jehovah or YHWH from the ancient Hebrews doesn't exist.

    never has, never will. The subsequent stories told about this god were fabricated to create power and relevance

    to the people who worshiped this god as other ancient civilizations told stories about their god under the same premise and intent, the book of Revelation is fictional mythology in other words.

    So no Armageddon etc

    Now proceed on with your life upon that honest and truthful acknowledged premise.

  • SAHS

    “watson”: When Jehovah brings Armageddon, will he let me live long enough to witness the deaths of my children and grand children . . . ?

    Well, I’m sure he wouldn’t pass up an opportunity to put on a good show for you so you can see what he’s really like.

    Jehovah is like a big bully in a tank top muscle shirt who enjoys picking on small guys to show off how wonderfully strong and tough he is. When people act like that, we call them narcissistic, sadistic sociopaths. But in the case of Jehovah, well, apparently he’s just being a wonderful, manly god of war.

    Good thing that sh^tty thing doesn’t exist! (The WT made a good atheist out of me.)

  • James Mixon
    James Mixon

    Will he kill ISS followers or figure they were mislead. God did set a fine example for them in the OT.

    Shouldn't there be a point where salvation is granted on a 1-10 bases.. For example murders , child molesters,liars, going beyond the scriptures, not make it. You know what, most JW's will not make it.

  • Perry
    The WT made a good atheist out of me.

    Boy, ain't that the truth! The Watchtower is one of the greatest generators of atheism ever invented. After giving it my best shot for 8 years, regular pioneering etc; I had enough and was very nearly an atheist myself at one time.

    The watchtower has its interpretation of Revelation so convoluted, they envision God running around like a homicidal maniac killing everyone who doesn't go door to door placing WT literature.

    In reality, Revelation predicts a coming one world government headed by the Anti Christ. It is the Anti-Christ who is responsible for the killing of 2/3 of the worlds population before the battle of Armageddon even begins, not God.

    And, it is not much of a battle. With only one spoken word, King Jesus slays the army of 200 million who intend to conquer Israel one-last-time.

    Armageddon is strictly a military action to save Israel.

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