Not training speakers/teachers any more?

by eyeslice2 35 Replies latest jw friends

  • road to nowhere
    road to nowhere

    That training is a make believe skit. There has never been a householder or study that acts that way. Almost all the. brothers were insulted when they added them to the householder type talks. There is no thinking needed for any of the " training"

  • Iown Mylife
    Iown Mylife

    The sisters walk a fine line between getting in trouble for not answering enough, or at all, and getting in trouble for answering too much. There were tons of sisters that i remember, who would put their hand up once or twice in a meeting, to give one comment and then that was IT.

  • LongHairGal


    The fact that you have to use the terminology of “getting in trouble for” 🙄... and never mind what comes after’s time to get the hell out of wherever.

    You have to ask yourself “what’s wrong with this picture”. This is infantile shit.

    I’m so glad I walked away from the Witness religion years ago.

  • iwantoutnow

    Iownmylife - that was not the experience in any hall I went to.

    Sisters did the bulk of the answering.

    Elders would always be talking about how to get brothers to answer more, including Elders.

    The sisters walk a fine line between getting in trouble for not answering enough, or at all, and getting in trouble for answering too much.
  • WingCommander

    The "Family International" cult did exactly this: closed up all of their pedo-compounds that they have around the globe (except in countries that harbour this shit) and then put all of their instruction "Online." You go right to their site, or even YouTube, and you have their cults instructional and indoctrination videos.

    Sick as it is, and with all of the information on "The Family" out their on the internet, there are STILL diehard followers of those nutcases. SMH.

    This too, could be exactly how the WatchTower ends up. E-religion, internet based, with Conventions once a year as a money-maker.

  • RubaDub

    Yes, they do encourage the flock to be teachers.

    That is, teaching people how to go to jw dot org.

    Rub a Dub

  • eyeuse2badub

    Not training speakers/teachers any more?

    The Ministry School and other meetings were always about training sales persons to sell wt sh*t!

    just saying!

  • LongHairGal


    You and others might be right about the JW religion going in the direction of being an E-religion, internet based with conventions once a year, etc.

    The only problem I see with this are the needy people in halls who won’t have a congregation to go TO... I’m referring to the faithful elderly, bounced out bethelites, people who listened to the religion and never prepared for retirement.. Also, what about those studies recruited in the last decade or so with serious issues? All these people would need a congregation to attend or else they would have no association and certainly would not get any a$sistance.

    Everybody would in effect be abandoned by the religion some gave up so much for.

    This doesn’t affect me since I’m a long time ‘fader’. I’m just thinking of a ‘what if’ scenario, and I think this will be a very REAL one if they get rid of all the halls.. What’s gonna happen when needy crying people want the elders to help them? Are the brothers going to do cold call knocking in the territories asking people for money?

  • Gorbatchov

    Our grandparents turn in their grave.


  • waton
    Everybody would in effect be abandoned by the religion

    WC: that feeling is already here. First the cutback of real speaker training. Top 'straight As' students doing bible reading after more of a decade ofin km "school",

    Now the selling of conveniently located local Halls, forcing old timers and school children into long perilous commutes at night. Expecting people contacted, invited in a local territory to travel to a remote, third rate neighbourhood hall. all engineered by heartless, callous managers, aka " elders ".

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